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A RANDOM Maze with Curses
Playing with Curses in Perl is funny. Making a simple game is instructive. Generate it dynamically is rewarding.
In the previous post A Maze with Curses we introduced a simple Curses-based game in Perl that allows a player to solve a maze. Alas, that game quickly becomes boring because it always presents the same maze… algorithms to the rescue!
Generating mazes programmatically
The Wikipedia page on maze generation has this interesting consideration:
Wilson’s algorithm […] generates an unbiased sample from the uniform distribution over all mazes, using loop-erased random walks.
We already encountered loop-erased random walks in our previous post on path-loop-erasure, so it seems that we only need to generate random walks! Well, only slightly more than this…
Maze generation entry point
The following function drives the generation of a new maze:
sub generate_maze ($rows, $cols) {
$_ -= 2 for $rows, $cols; # will add boundary walls at the end
my @maze = map { [('#') x $cols] } 1 .. $rows;
$maze[0][0] = ' '; # starting position is in maze
my $row = 0;
my $col = 0;
while ($row < $rows) {
if ($maze[$row][$col] eq '#') { # not reached yet
my $path = random_walk(\@maze, $row, $col);
say $_->{id} for $path->@*;
$path = path_loop_erasure($path);
# apply path to maze
my ($pr, $pc);
my $n = 0;
for my $v ($path->@*) {
my ($r, $c) = $v->@{qw< row col >};
printf {*STDERR} "row<$r> col<$c>\n";
$maze[$r][$c] = ' ';
$maze[($r + $pr) / 2][($c + $pc)/2] = ' ' if defined $pr;
($pr, $pc) = ($r, $c);
$col += 2;
($row, $col) = ($row + 2, 0) if $col > $cols;
my $hwall = '#' x ($cols + 2);
join "\n", $hwall, (map { join '', '#', $_->@*, '#' } @maze), $hwall;
It gets in input the number of rows and colums where the maze has to fit,
and outputs a string with the maze (walls represented by #
The maze itself is generated over a smaller area, i.e. two less columns and
two less rows, so that we save space for surrounding the whole maze with
walls. This is why $rows
and $cols
are decremented by 2 at the
beginning, and there are some #
-based string manipulations at the end.
The starting position is marked as “belonging to the maze”. Then the generaton proceeds like this:
- a new “starting point” is chosen that is not alredy part of the maze
- a random walk is generated to connect this new “starting point” to the already-defined maze
- the random walk is simplified to remove loops
- the resulting loop-free path is “carved” on the maze
Random walk
The random walk function is the following:
sub random_walk ($maze, $r, $c) {
my @retval;
my @moves = ([-2, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0], [0, -2]);
my $Mr = $#$maze;
my $Mc = $#{$maze->[0]};
while ('necessary') {
push @retval, {
row => $r,
col => $c,
id => "$r-$c",
last if $maze->[$r][$c] eq ' ';
my $move = @moves[rand @moves];
my ($cr, $cc) = ($r + $move->[0], $c + $move->[1]);
next if $cr < 0 || $cr > $Mr || $cc < 0 || $cc > $Mc;
($r, $c) = ($cr, $cc);
return \@retval;
The maze generation always considers that walls occur on odd-numbered rows
or columns, and even-numbered rows and columns host the vertices for the
random walk. This is why the @moves
always considers stepping by 2 units
instead of 1.
A simple check verifies that the random step is still within the boundaries.
The code is structured so that the final position (which is always already
part of the maze generated so far) is included in the path. This is why the
loop has an always-true condition and the real exit from the loop is
perfomed by last
Path loop erasure
Erasing the loops from the random walk has already been discussed in a
previous post. The code here is only slightly
different because the path does not contain identifiers, but anonymous
hashes with a key id
to be used for comparison:
sub path_loop_erasure ($input_path) {
my @output_path;
my $i = -1;
my $N = $input_path->@*;
while (++$i < $N) {
print "i<$i>\n";
# find latest occurrence of $input_path->[$i]
my $j = $i;
while (++$j < $N) {
# "advance" $i if the corresponding item is found
# later in the array
$i = $j if $input_path->[$i]{id} eq $input_path->[$j]{id};
# whatever, this item fits into the output
print " --> i<$i>\n";
push @output_path, $input_path->[$i];
return \@output_path;
Maze loading
Loading the maze has been modified to account for the dynamic generation:
my $maze = load_maze(@ARGV[0,1]);
# ...
sub load_maze ($rows, $cols) {
$rows //= 15;
$cols //= 49;
$rows-- unless $rows % 2;
$cols-- unless $cols % 2;
my $maze = generate_maze($rows, $cols);
return {
exit => [$rows - 1, $cols - 2], # lower-right corner
hero => [1, 1], # upper-left corner
maze => $maze,
moves => 0,
The program optionally accepts dimensions in input, otherwise defaults to 15 rows by 49 columns.
Overall program
The overall program is an evolution of the one described in the previous article and can be found here: a-maze-ing-2.
Happy solving of random mazes!