Ouch in Mojolicious


How I use Ouch with Mojolicious, probably in a naïve way.

In a previous post we took a look at Ouch, which I feel like a very natural way of dealing with exceptions, including web-by things that I do with Mojolicious from time to time. I usually also throw Try::Catch in them mix, if you’re so kind to pass the terrible pun.

This is how I set up things to handle Ouch exceptions in the application class:

package MyApp;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious', '-signatures';
use Try::Catch;
use Ouch ':trytiny_var';

# ...
sub startup ($self) {
   # ...

      around_dispatch => sub ($next, $controller) {
         try { $next->() }
         catch {
            die $_ if $_->isa('Mojo::Exception');
               status => $_->code,
               json   => { message => $_->message },

   # ...

But there you have it: if it’s some normal exception (COUGHoximoronCOUGH) from Mojolicious then it gets passed along, otherwise we honor Ouch’s interface and set the status code in the response accordingly. Which makes it extremely easy to do this in a controller method of a controller class:

sub get_some_resource ($self) {
   my $id = $self->param('id');
   my $item = $self->model->get($id)
     or ouch 404, 'Not Found';        # returns a 404
     or ouch 500, 'Sorry, something is wrong with me!';
  return $self->render(json => $item);

This is really just a prototype at this point. For example: what to do with additional $data in the exception from Ouch? I’ll have to look into it, most probably it should result in some astute logging. What if the exception is not a blessed object and cannot sustain the burden of the isa call? Only time will tell!

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