

Git::Wrapper is an interesting Perl module.

Git is a fine piece of software that is usually driven through the git command-line tool. Git::Wrapper is a… wrapper around this command, so that it’s easy to interact with it from Perl.

Getting started

Installing it should not give problems (see Installing Perl Modules if you want a few suggestions). As a bare minimum, the new method requires a path to a directory (more on this later):

use Git::Wrapper;

my $git = Git::Wrapper->new('/path/to/somewhere');

It’s not necessary that the provided directory is already tracked with Git, because you can call init just as you might do on the command line:


Input interface

The input interface of the module is an attempt at being flexible, e.g. passing a hash reference (that is expanded as key-value pairs, with no specific order) or a list of parameters.

$git->commit({ message => "stuff" , all => 1 });
# produces either of the following:
#   git commit --all --message stuff
#   git commit --message stuff --all

$git->commit(qw< --message stuff --all >)
# produces
#   git commit --message stuff --all

There are possibly other variants. I personally find just passing a list sufficient for the job, but your taste might be different.

Output interface

The output interface is… basic. It provides back a list of (chomped) lines from the command invocation output, without any attempt at parsing it. I’m not sure about this choice, it’s surely simple and probably going for parsing each and every sub-command would be overkill.

This is an example of a possible parsing function for the output of git branch -av:

 1 sub git_branch {
 2    my $git = shift;
 3    my $current;
 4    my @branches = map {
 5       my ($f, $name, $sha1, $msg) =
 6         m{\A
 7            (.) \s+   # flag
 8            ((?: \(.*?\) ) | (?:\S+)) \s+ # name
 9            (\S+) \s+ # SHA1
10            (.*)      # log message title
11         }mxs;
12       my $branch = {
13          name        => $name,
14          sha1        => $sha1,
15          message     => $msg,
16          is_current  => ($f eq '*' ? 1 : 0),
17          is_detached => (substr($name, 0, 1) eq '(' ? 1 : 0),
18       };
19       $current = $branch if $branch->{is_current};
20       $branch;
21    } $git->branch(qw< --no-color -av >);
22    return {
23       current => $current,
24       branches => \@branches,
25    };
26 } ## end sub git_branch ($git)

Anyway, it’s not more difficult of what you would get in the shell, with the notable exception that… you have Perl in your toolbox!

One great thing is that the module throws an exception when an error occurs, so this allows managing errors simple and consistent. Try::Catch or other similar modules can help to this regard.

The directory

One thing that is a bit edgy is the provision of a directory path. It generally does its job… except when it doesn’t 🙄

In particular, using the clone sub-command can be counter-intuitive because the clone is not created in the target directory. For example:

my $git = Git::Wrapper->new('./whatever');

The first line sets the object’s directory to whatever in the current directory, while the clone command creates a directory ekeca in the current directory. After the clone, though, the object is still set to whatever… like the clone didn’t happen.

A possible workaround might be to pass the target directory for clone in the command invocation itself:

my $git = Git::Wrapper->new('./whatever');
$git->clone('', $git->dir);

Final thoughts

The module is indeed interesting for a little side project… and I’m going to use it!


Want to know what is the cool thing about this module? Head on to The really interesting thing about Git::Wrapper - by genehack!

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