SVG DOM tree visit


A simple function to visit a tree via DOM in SVG.

For a little side project I’m looking into SVG. It provides an interface (SVG::DOM) to visit the whole tree built from reading the input XML file, which is OK.

Initially, I only needed a list of the (two) paths that I expect to find in the specific SVG files I’m interested into (in particular, those in game-icons). Something like this:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
   <path d="M0 0h512v512H0z"/>
   <path fill="#fff" d="M100 100h312v312H100z"/>

It’s really as simple as it seems: a black background square, with a smaller white square on top.

I thought of using method getElements, like this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

use SVG::Parser;
use Path::Tiny;

my $parser = SVG::Parser->new(-nocredits => 1);
for my $filename (@ARGV) {
   my $file   = path($filename);
   say $file->basename;

   my $image  = $parser->parse($file->slurp_raw);
   my @paths = $image->getElements('path');
   say "$_ -> $paths[$_]->{d}" for 0 .. $#paths;
} ## end for my $filename (@ARGV)

Alas, this is not exactly what I was after:

$ perl svg-struct-no test.svg 
0 -> M100 100h312v312H100z
1 -> M0 0h512v512H0z

It seems that it’s reversing the two paths, although I can’t find any mention of this in the docs. Which, by the way, led me to open an issue, but in the meantime I know I cannot rely on getElements if I want the paths in order.

So… let’s code a visit on the parsed tree:

 1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 2 use 5.024;
 3 use warnings;
 4 use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
 5 no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;
 7 use SVG::Parser;
 8 use Path::Tiny;
10 my $parser = SVG::Parser->new(-nocredits => 1);
11 for my $filename (@ARGV) {
12    my $file   = path($filename);
13    say $file->basename;
15    my $image  = $parser->parse($file->slurp_raw);
16    my @paths = get_paths_in_order($image);
17    say "$_ -> $paths[$_]->{d}" for 0 .. $#paths;
18 } ## end for my $filename (@ARGV)
20 sub get_paths_in_order ($image) {
21    my @paths;
22    visit($image,
23       sub ($el) { push @paths, $el if lc($el->getElementName) eq 'path' });
24    return @paths;
25 } ## end sub get_paths_in_order ($image)
27 sub visit ($el, $pre_cb = undef, $post_cb = undef) {
28    $pre_cb->($el) if $pre_cb;
29    my $child = $el->getFirstChild();
30    while ($child) {
31       visit($child, $pre_cb, $post_cb);
32       $child = $child->getNextSibling();
33    }
34    $post_cb->($el) if $post_cb;
35    return;
36 } ## end sub visit

Lines up to 18 are the same as before, with the exception of line 16 where we’re calling get_paths_in_order() instead of getElements().

The real workhorse is visit() (lines 27 to 36), which acts recursively as long as an element has children. It’s coded generically, i.e. it allows to perform operations both before (line 28) recursing into the children of a node, both after (line 34).

In our case we only need to use the operation before, so in the external call (lines 22 and 23) we just provide the first callback, to accumulate the path nodes.

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