ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
Fixing an example in Mojolicious
Another drop in the open source sea.
I think many of us have the same feeling: our (software) contribution to the world is just a drop in an sea.
Instead of being discouraged, though, I feel reassured: there’s a lot to do, and even minor fixes can help improve things (e.g. by letting the next person to avoid spending 5 minutes to figure out why an error popped out). Also, there’s a lot of people doing this.
It happened to me while reading the Cookbook guide for Mojolicious, in particular the section about the Eventsource web service which has the following example:
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
# Template with browser-side code
get '/' => 'index';
# EventSource for log messages
get '/events' => sub ($c) {
# Increase inactivity timeout for connection a bit
# Change content type and finalize response headers
# Subscribe to "message" event and forward "log" events to browser
my $cb = $c->app->log->on(message => sub ($log, $level, @lines) {
$c->write("event:log\ndata: [$level] @lines\n\n");
# Unsubscribe from "message" event again once we are done
$c->on(finish => sub ($c, $code, $reason = undef) {
$c->app->log->unsubscribe(message => $cb);
@@ index.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
var events = new EventSource('<%= url_for 'events' %>');
// Subscribe to "log" event
events.addEventListener('log', function (event) {
document.body.innerHTML += + '<br/>';
}, false);
I tried it and I got one error upon closing one of the listener browser tabs:
Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: Too few arguments for subroutine at ...
It turns out that when Mojo::Transaction fires the finish event,
it does not pass any argument (beyond the instance object), which makes
the following subroutine signature pretty unhappy because it expects
to be passed:
# Unsubscribe from "message" event again once we are done
$c->on(finish => sub ($c, $code, $reason = undef) {
$c->app->log->unsubscribe(message => $cb);
So presto! Let’s file a pull request!