CORS quick note


A quick note on CORS for my future self.

From time to time, I try to program a frontend/backend pair with a JavaScript-based part in the browser and a Perl-based backend on some server.

And I regularly hit against the CORS wall. Yes, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

So, it’s time to jot down a few notes that will help my future self figure things out quicker this time:

  • CORS is a protection mechanism meant to help browsers do the right thing when a page on domain tries to consume an API from
  • By default these calls would be blocked by the browser because the two domains are different.
  • To allow this traffic, the API-providing host can say that it’s OK to receive calls that come from a different origin, i.e. that come from a resource in a different domain than the API. In the specific example, host might signal that it’s OK to receive requests that are originated from
  • This green light is provided by means of a header Access-Control-Allow-Origin, to be set by the serving side in the response.
  • When in the conditions of doing a cross-origin request, browsers usually do a preflight request to figure what’s OK to request via the API, by means of an OPTIONS query. For this reason, it’s better to also support OPTIONS requests.

In Mojolicious this can be a quick and dirty proof of concept:

# handle CORS from the server side, i.e. in
options '/path/to/resource' => sub ($c) {
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '');
    $c->render(code => 204);
post '/path/to/resource' => sub ($c) {
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '');
    return $c->render(json => {everything => 'OK'});

Last, if you want your API consumable everywhere by anybody… use * instead of the server’s domain name.

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