PWC084 - Reverse Integer


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #084. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an integer $N. Write a script to reverse the given integer and print the result. Print 0 if the result doesn’t fit in 32-bit signed integer. The number 2,147,483,647 is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing.

The questions

I think that there can be a few questions, apart from the obvious ones regarding what to do with invalid inputs.

The most important, in my opinion, is what to do if the input integer does not itself fit in 32 bits. For example, what should we do when presented with 7,463,847,412? The reverse is exactly the maximum value for an alloweable integer… is this still OK?

The solution

I’ve come with a solution that should work, although it does a lot of work and there are surely better ways to do it. Anyway, I call the job done.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub reverse_integer ($N) {
   state $max_int = 0x7fffffff;
   my ($s, $x) = $N > 0
      ? ('', scalar reverse("$N"))
      : ('-', scalar reverse(''.(-$N)));
   $x =~ s{0+\z}{}mxs;
   my ($lx, $lm) = (length($x), length($max_int));
   return $s . $x
      if ($lx < $lm)
      || ($lx == $lm) && (substr($x, 0, 1) < 2);
   return 0
      if ($lx > $lm) # too long
      || substr($x, 0, 1) > 2; # highest digit too high
   # same length, first digit is 2...
   return $s
      ? ($x <= $max_int + 1 ? $s . $x : 0)
      : ($x <= $max_int     ?      $x : 0);

my $x = shift || -1234;
say reverse_integer($x);

The solution basically divides the analysis into three macroscopic possibilities:

  • the input is short enough (when considered as a string) to fit the 32 bits, i.e. its length is shorter than the biggest representible 32-bit integer. In this case, we can indeed reverse it;
  • on the flip side, if the input is longer, there’s no way that the reverse will fit, so it’s a plain refusal.
  • In the middle, we have a length that is the same. So, we do a little of additional checks to see if the number fits or not, and return a value accordingly.

I think it’s all!

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