Basic Authentication for (nginx) Kubernetes Ingress


With TLS turned on, Basic Authentication can restrict access without giving up passwords around.

Now that we enabled TLS for Kubernetes Ingress, we can enable Basic Authentication (an unsung hero!) to restrict access to the specific backend service without worrying that our passwords will be flying around in cleartext.

What follows is not generic, but applies only when your Ingress controller is ingress-nginx. It’s the default one, so it should get you started… but you have been warned!

How it works

The gist of the whole thing is to provide data to Kubernetes in the right place and in the right format, so that the automated process will take it and fit in the rigt place and the right format for the nginx that powers ingress-nginx.

The high-level steps are the following:

Let’s start!

Generate the accounts file

The structure of the accounts file is according to the format for .htpasswd files used by the Apache Web Server. This boils down to the following line format:


Here, HASHED PASSWORD indicates that the password is not stored in cleartext, but first passed through a hashing function, i.e. a function where it’s easy to go from the cleartext to the hashed value, but it’s extremely difficult to go the other way around (i.e. get the cleartext from the hash value).

This means that we will need to generate this hash according to rules that will be understood by nginx. This can be done using the htpasswd program, but it can also be easily addressed if you have OpenSSL around, like this:

htpasswd_line() {
   local username="$1"
   local password="$2"
   local hashed_password="$(openssl passwd -apr1 "$password")"
   printf '%s:%s\n' "$username" "$hashed_password"

   htpasswd_line 'foo' 'bar, but baz' 
   htpasswd_line 'justme' 'n0th1ng f4ncy' 
} > accounts.htpasswd

We will get something similar to the following:

$ cat accounts.htpasswd

This is what we need, on with the rest!

Adding the accounts file as a Kubernetes Secret

The command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes provides us with a simple way to turn the file accounts.htpasswd file from the previous section into a Secret.

There’s one catch though: the key inside the Secret MUST be named auth so that the ingress-nginx controller can get it. Hence, if we want to use the simple route using command-line kubectl, we first have to make sure that the file name is auth:

ln -s accounts.htpasswd auth

Now that we have sorted this out, we can settle to call our secret basic-authentication, figure out in which namespace it should live (we’ll use my-namespace in the example) and proceed:

kubectl create secret generic -n my-namespace basic-authentication \

Let’s double check:

$ kubectl get secret -n my-namespace basic-authentication -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: basic-authentication
  namespace: my-namespace

Very good, our data section contains a string auth, whose contents has been set to the right value:

$ kubectl get secret -n monitoring basic-authentication \
   -o 'jsonpath={.data.auth}' | base64 -d

Setting ingress-nginx to use Basic Authentication

Our last step is to tell the ingress-nginx component to set up Basic Authentication for the specific Ingress resource. This can be done using annotations, which are some notes that are added to the resource’s metadata so that other components can find them.

The documentation at Basic Authentication suggests that we set three of these annotations:

  • this is set to the string basic to ask for… Basic Authentication;
  • this points to the Secret created in the previous section. Note that it must be in the same namespace as the Ingress resource;
  • this is a message that is presented when users are asked to authenticate. I usually don’t read it and just concentrate on the two boxes that the browser show to fill in a username and a password, so it’s OK to put whatever string you see fit.

Example (adapted from Basic Authentication):

kind: Ingress
  name: ingress-with-auth
  namespace: my-namespace
  annotations:   basic basic-authentication  'Foo requires your credentials!'

And we’re done!

Wrap up

I hope the notes above can be of help, they’re actually just a bad rip-off of Basic Authentication from the documentation of ingress-nginx, with the possible addition of my errors.

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