PWC095 - Demo Stack


On with TASK #2 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #095. Enjoy!

The challenge

Write a script to demonstrate Stack operations like below:

  • push($n) - add $n to the stack
  • pop() - remove the top element
  • top() - get the top element
  • min() - return the minimum element

The questions

I have to admit that this challenge… puzzled me. I mean, it’s… wide open.

What does it mean demonstrate? I take it as… both showcase some of the functionalities (much in the spirit of the SYNOPSIS section in good Perl documentation) and possibly allow the user to play with it.

Then, from a more academic point of view… why is min() an operation over Stack at all? I remember is_empty, push, pop, and top… right? The Stack class of the Algorithms, 4th edition seems to go in the same direction (even though it exposes a few extra methods, most notably the size method).

Putting min() means that we only accept numbers in our Stack? Is this a more generic function?

I can only guess this is an interview challenge that leaves so many open things… to see where the poor interviewed goes!

The solution

As we’re requested to do some… demonstration, we’ll go on step by step.

The basic Stack class

I decided to go minimalistic, so the Stack class in Perl is the following:

package Stack;
use 5.024;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
use List::Util ();
use overload qq{""} => \&to_string;
sub is_empty ($s)  { !($s->@*) }
sub max ($s)       { $s->@* ? List::Util::max($s->@*) : die "empty\n" }
sub min ($s)       { $s->@* ? List::Util::min($s->@*) : die "empty\n" }
sub new ($package) { bless [], $package }
sub pop ($s)       { $s->@* ? CORE::pop $s->@* : die "empty\n" }
sub push ($s, $e)  { CORE::push $s->@*, $e }
sub size ($s)      { scalar $s->@* }
sub top ($s)       { $s->@* ? $s->[-1] : die "empty\n" }
sub to_string ($s, @rest) {
   return '' unless $s->@*;
   my ($min, $max, $is_top, @lines) = ($s->min, $s->max, 1);
   for my $e (reverse $s->@*) {
      CORE::push @lines, sprintf '{%5s}', $e;
      my @features;
      CORE::push @features, 'top' if $is_top;
      CORE::push @features, 'min' if $e == $min;
      CORE::push @features, 'max' if $e == $max;
      $lines[-1] .= ' (' . join(', ', @features) . ')' if @features;
      $is_top = 0;
   return join "\n", @lines;

The most complicated part is… to print it, as it often happens 😂 To be honest, I’ve been a bit doubtful to move the stringification outside of the class, in some tightly bound class suitable for introspetion, but at the end of the day breaking the encapsulation taboo is hard even in these sandbox contexts. Moreover… it allowed me to refresh the use of overload 🤓

For good measure, I added a max() method because… there’s a min. It’s totally arbitrary, but still.

A VerboseStack wrapper

This challenge is about a demonstration, right? So I thought to code a little wrapper around the Stack class, to be verbose about what’s happening:

package VerboseStack;
use 5.024;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
sub AUTOLOAD ($self, @as) {
   my ($stack, $echo) = $self->@{qw< stack echo >};
   (my $mname = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s{\A.*::}{}mxs;
   say "\n$mname @as" if $echo;
   my $method = $stack->can($mname) or die "no method '$mname'\n";
   my @r = wantarray ? $stack->$method(@as) : scalar $stack->$method(@as);
   return wantarray ? @r : defined(wantarray) ? $r[0] : ();
sub DESTROY {}
sub echo ($s) { $s->{echo} = 1 }
sub new ($pk, @as) { bless {echo => 1, @as, stack => Stack->new}, $pk }
sub noecho ($s) { $s->{echo} = 0 }
sub print ($self) {
   my $stack = $self->{stack};
   my ($n, $dump, $siz_ind) = ($stack->size, '', 'empty');
   ($dump, $siz_ind) = ("$stack\n", $n == 1 ? '1 item' : "$n items") if $n;
   print {*STDOUT} "---\n$dump------- ($siz_ind)\n";
sub stack ($self) { return $self->{stack} }

It provides a few methods of its own, e.g. to turn command echoing on or off, or to print out the current situation.

Additionally, it delegates to the wrapped Stack instance all other method invocations, so that you can treat a VerboseStack just like a Stack and call push, top, …

The provided example

At this point, we can play with the example provided in the challenge itself:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

my $stack = VerboseStack->new;

# run with --interactive to have... an interactive session
if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--interactive') { ... }
else {
   $stack->pop;       # removes 0
   say 'top returns --> ', $stack->top; # prints -1
   say 'min returns --> ', $stack->min; # prints -1

Let’s run it:

$ perl perl/
------- (empty)

push 2
{    2} (top, min, max)
------- (1 item)

push -1
{   -1} (top, min)
{    2} (max)
------- (2 items)

push 0
{    0} (top)
{   -1} (min)
{    2} (max)
------- (3 items)

{   -1} (top, min)
{    2} (max)
------- (2 items)

{   -1} (top, min)
{    2} (max)
------- (2 items)
top returns --> -1

push 0
{    0} (top)
{   -1} (min)
{    2} (max)
------- (3 items)

{    0} (top)
{   -1} (min)
{    2} (max)
------- (3 items)
min returns --> -1

It seems to be working!

An interactive program

As anticipated, demonstrate often means giving the possibility to play with the thing. So… I decided to do this as well, passing command-line option --interactive:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

my $stack = VerboseStack->new;

# run with --interactive to have... an interactive session
if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--interactive') {
   my $real_stack = $stack->stack;
   my $prompt = "\ncommand> ";
   print {*STDOUT} $prompt;
   while (<STDIN>) {
      my ($cmd, @args) = split m{\s+}mxs;
      $cmd = lc($cmd);
      last if grep { $_ eq $cmd } qw< quit exit bye >;
      eval {
         my $v = $real_stack->$cmd(@args);
         say "$cmd: $v" if grep { $_ eq $cmd } qw< max min pop top >;
      } or do {
         say $@ =~ m{\s at \s}mxs ? "unknown command $cmd" : "error: $@";
      print {*STDOUT} $prompt;
else { ... }

A sample session:

The whole thing…

… should you be interested into it:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

my $stack = VerboseStack->new;

# run with --interactive to have... an interactive session
if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--interactive') {
   my $real_stack = $stack->stack;
   my $prompt = "\ncommand> ";
   print {*STDOUT} $prompt;
   while (<STDIN>) {
      my ($cmd, @args) = split m{\s+}mxs;
      $cmd = lc($cmd);
      last if grep { $_ eq $cmd } qw< quit exit bye >;
      eval {
         my $v = $real_stack->$cmd(@args);
         say "$cmd: $v" if grep { $_ eq $cmd } qw< max min pop top >;
      } or do {
         say $@ =~ m{\s at \s}mxs ? "unknown command $cmd" : "error: $@";
      print {*STDOUT} $prompt;
else {
   $stack->pop;       # removes 0
   say 'top returns --> ', $stack->top; # prints -1
   say 'min returns --> ', $stack->min; # prints -1

package VerboseStack;
use 5.024;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
sub AUTOLOAD ($self, @as) {
   my ($stack, $echo) = $self->@{qw< stack echo >};
   (my $mname = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s{\A.*::}{}mxs;
   say "\n$mname @as" if $echo;
   my $method = $stack->can($mname) or die "no method '$mname'\n";
   my @r = wantarray ? $stack->$method(@as) : scalar $stack->$method(@as);
   return wantarray ? @r : defined(wantarray) ? $r[0] : ();
sub DESTROY {}
sub echo ($s) { $s->{echo} = 1 }
sub new ($pk, @as) { bless {echo => 1, @as, stack => Stack->new}, $pk }
sub noecho ($s) { $s->{echo} = 0 }
sub print ($self) {
   my $stack = $self->{stack};
   my ($n, $dump, $siz_ind) = ($stack->size, '', 'empty');
   ($dump, $siz_ind) = ("$stack\n", $n == 1 ? '1 item' : "$n items") if $n;
   print {*STDOUT} "---\n$dump------- ($siz_ind)\n";
sub stack ($self) { return $self->{stack} }

package Stack;
use 5.024;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
use List::Util ();
use overload qq{""} => \&to_string;
sub is_empty ($s)  { !($s->@*) }
sub max ($s)       { $s->@* ? List::Util::max($s->@*) : die "empty\n" }
sub min ($s)       { $s->@* ? List::Util::min($s->@*) : die "empty\n" }
sub new ($package) { bless [], $package }
sub pop ($s)       { $s->@* ? CORE::pop $s->@* : die "empty\n" }
sub push ($s, $e)  { CORE::push $s->@*, $e }
sub size ($s)      { scalar $s->@* }
sub top ($s)       { $s->@* ? $s->[-1] : die "empty\n" }
sub to_string ($s, @rest) {
   return '' unless $s->@*;
   my ($min, $max, $is_top, @lines) = ($s->min, $s->max, 1);
   for my $e (reverse $s->@*) {
      CORE::push @lines, sprintf '{%5s}', $e;
      my @features;
      CORE::push @features, 'top' if $is_top;
      CORE::push @features, 'min' if $e == $min;
      CORE::push @features, 'max' if $e == $max;
      $lines[-1] .= ' (' . join(', ', @features) . ')' if @features;
      $is_top = 0;
   return join "\n", @lines;

And now… this is all!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!