PWC096 - Reverse Words


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #096. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a string $S.

Write a script to reverse the order of words in the given string. The string may contain leading/trailing spaces. The string may have more than one space between words in the string. Print the result without leading/trailing spaces and there should be only one space between words.

The questions

This is the typical challenge that takes nothing to solve for 80% of the cases (including 100% of the examples!) but takes the rest of your life to solve properly. Well, even to define properly.

Just like messing with dates and times, you know.

Anyway, the big elephant in the room is what we define to be a word. In normal text we find words (like those things that have a definition in a dictionary), spaces and punctuation marks, like commans, full stops, colons etc.

What should we do with the punctuation marks? Consider them as part of the word they are close to (no spaces inside)? Consider them as some structure that we have to preserve? Remove them completely?

Moreover… sometimes punctuation marks delimit some text, e.g. when you use double quotes around a sentence. should we preserve that structure?

Other times punctuation marks indicate a loss of something. E.g. an apostrophe might indicate that we’re dropping a letter or more to ease faster talking (like I’ll instead of I will) - how should we treat that?

Long story short, we will consider a word any sequence of non-spacing characters… for whatever Perl considers to be a spacing character. And get on with our life!

The solution

This challenge (well, the easy formulation of the challenge, at least) cries for a compact, cryptic solution because it’s one line and it does not take too much to understand anyway:

sub reverse_words ($S) {
   join(' ', reverse split m{\s+}mxs, $S) =~ s{\s+\z}{}rmxs;

At its heart, it splits the input string using any sequence of one or more spacing characters, so we get back a list of non-spacing items. These items are usually non-empty strings (more on this shortly).

Using reverse we can… reverse the list, just like we’re asked to do. Using join we merge the list back into a string, this time making sure to insert exactly one space between adjacent items.

One side effect of the split is that an initial sequence of spaces gives rise to an initial item that is actually an empty string. As a consequence, the resulting string will contain a trailing space in this case.

For this reason, we make sure to remove that trailing space (if present) with the substitution s{\s+\z}{}rmxs; here we’re leveraging the regular expression modifier r to make sure that a copy is returned (as opposed to modifying the input object in-place); this copy doubles down as our result value.

This is really it! The whole program, if you’re curious or just fond of copy-and-paste:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub reverse_words ($S) {
   join(' ', reverse split m{\s+}mxs, $S) =~ s{\s+\z}{}rmxs;

my $input = join(' ', @ARGV)
   || '    Perl and   Raku are  part of the same family  ';
say '<', reverse_words($input), '>';

Have fun… safely!

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