PWC099 - Pattern Matching


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #099. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a string $S and a pattern $P. Write a script to check if given pattern validate the entire string. Print 1 if pass otherwise 0. The patterns can also have the following characters:

  • ? - Match any single character.
  • * - Match any sequence of characters.

The questions

Just a few assumptions that would turn into questions pretty quickly:

  • I’ll assume no special characters apart from those indicated;
  • There is no mechanism of escaping any character inside the pattern string;
  • characters equal bytes.

The solution

We will leverage the huge flexibility of regular expressions for this task. In regular expression terms, we have that…

  • . matches any single character, just like we are asked to do with ?;
  • .* matches any lenght sequence of whatever character, just like we are asked to do with *.
  • other special characters might have a meaning in the regular expression, so we have to passivate them.

Here is our function:

sub pattern_match ($S, $T) {
   $T = join '',
      map { $_ eq '*' ? '.*' : $_ eq '?' ? '.' : quotemeta($_) }
      split m{([*?])}mxs, $T;
   return $S =~ m{\A$T\z}mxs ? 1 : 0;

To get all instances of either ?or * we use a split that does also include the separators in the output. At this point, it suffices to use the special characters as the regular expression to look for, and we will have split our string in a list of items that are either without the two special characters, or a single special character.

Each item in this list is then transformed:

  • the two special characters into their regular expressions counterpart;
  • other items are passed through quotemeta, in order to *passivate+ any special character that might be recognized in a regular expression.

After this, we are left with a list of items that are either the right translation for the challenge’s special characters, or have no special character at all inside (from a regular expression point of view). Joining all these parts together gives us a regular expression ready for matching.

Well… not so fast! We are asked to check the whole string, so the actual match is done making sure to also set the anchors for the start of the string (\A) and the end of it (\z). At this point, the match gives us the needed answer.


The whole script, should you be curious:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub pattern_match ($S, $T) {
   $T = join '',
      map { $_ eq '*' ? '.*' : $_ eq '?' ? '.' : quotemeta($_) }
      split m{([*?])}mxs, $T;
   return $S =~ m{\A$T\z}mxs ? 1 : 0;

my $string = shift // 'abcde';
my $pattern = shift // 'a*e';
say pattern_match($string, $pattern);

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