xmpl - the metrics API


A closer look to the implementation of the metrics API in xmpl. This is a series of posts.

Modern-time applications that aim to be good citizens in Kubernetes clusters usually send logs to the standard channels and provide an endpoint to scrape metrics.

I use the term scrape because it’s what the leading platform in collecting these metrics does: Prometheus. This has the benefit to unlock some use cases while testing, e.g. the collection and visualization of data (e.g. via Grafana) as well as generation of alerts via the Alertmanager.

For this reason, xmpl provides a GET endpoint for scraping metrics, at the customary /metrics path used by Prometheus:

get '/metrics' => sub ($c) {
   state $calls = 0;
   my $life_time = time() - $^T;
   my $is_healthy = is_healthy() ? 1 : 0;
   my $d6 = 1 + int rand 6;
   (my $kvtype = ref kvstore()) =~ s{\A.*::}{}mxs;
   $c->render(text => <<"END");
# HELP life_time_seconds Time since start of process
# TYPE life_time_seconds counter
life_time_seconds $life_time
# HELP healthz_status Status of health (1 healthy, 0 unhealthy)
# TYPE healthz_status gauge
healthz_status $is_healthy
# HELP metrics_calls Calls to the /metrics endpoint
# TYPE metrics_calls counter
metrics_calls $calls
# HELP random_d6 A random value from a regular 6-sided die
# TYPE random_d6 gauge
random_d6 $d6
# HELP kvstore_info Info on the key/value store (as labels)
# TYPE kvstore_info gauge
kvstore_info{kind=$kvtype} 1

It is actually a very small set of metrics, and probably not a particularly clever one. It does the job of getting the ball started though, suggestions are very, very welcome!

Monitor yourself!

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