ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
PWC101 - Pack a Spiral
Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #101. Enjoy!
The challenge
You are given an array
of items (integers say, but they can be anything). Your task is to pack that array into anMxN
matrix spirally counterclockwise, as tightly as possible.‘Tightly’ means the absolute value |M-N| of the difference has to be as small as possible.
The questions
Folks how I hate this kind of challenges. It’s all an intricate calculation of indexes etc. which becomes unnerving very quickly for me, especially if the solution does not pop up immediately.
Well, maybe this is what excercise is for.
There’s an obvious thread of questions:
- Is any order is OK, as long as the array is arranged in a counter-clockwise spiral?
- What should we do when there is a prime number of elements?
- Is it OK to have a good packing, but empty slots in the matrix?
The solution
Well, I’m a bit tired so I decided to go for minimizing the target function and stick to either square matrices, or with a maximum difference of 1 in the two dimensions.
There are a lot of cases to be considered, which… I didn’t enjoy particularly!
The bottom line, anyway, is that:
- I start from the center and go to the outside - which is pretty much the contrary of the examples, but still within the requested packing;
- I calculate where to start, as well as initializing the matrix with all empty slots.
- Then I proceed to populate the matrix, one “frame” at a time. Each frame has a side that is two items bigger than the previous frame.
Without further ado… here’s my whole solution:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;
use Data::Dumper;
sub pack_a_spiral (@A) {
my $N = scalar @A;
my $side = int sqrt $N;
--$side if $side * $side == $N;
my (@M, $x, $y);
if ($side * ($side + 1) >= $N) { # rectangle
if ($side % 2) {
$x = ($side - 1) / 2;
$y = $side - $x - 1;
else {
$x = $side / 2;
$y = $side - $x;
@M = map { [('') x ($side + 1)] } 1 .. ($side);
else { # square
$x = $side % 2 ? (($side - 1) / 2) : $side / 2;
$y = $side - $x;
@M = map { [('') x $side] } 1 .. $side;
$M[$y][$x] = shift @A;
$side = 2;
while ('necessary') {
++$x; # move to next frame
for ([0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, +1], [1, 0]) { # four sides
my ($dx, $dy) = $_->@*;
for (1 .. $side) {
last OUTER unless @A;
$x += $dx;
$y += $dy;
$M[$y][$x] = shift @A;
return \@M;
sub print_matrix ($M) {
for my $row ($M->@*) {
for my $item ($row->@*) {
printf '%4s ', $item;
print "\n";
my @items = @ARGV ? @ARGV : (1..16);
my $s = pack_a_spiral(@items);
Stay safe!!!