PWC103 - Chinese Zodiac


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #103. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a year $year. Write a script to determine the Chinese Zodiac for the given year $year. Please check out wikipage for more information about it.

The animal cycle: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

The element cycle: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

The questions

Considering that each element goes through for two years, because it has a Yin and a Yang alternative, one question is whether we should also take that into account in the answer. The examples do not show it, so we’ll use standard error to print out the full year name 😄

Next, the Chinese calendar does not match the western calendar exactly, so saying 1972 might mean one year or another depending on whether we are talking before or after the Chinese New Year. Considering that most of the year overlaps after, we will assume that 1972 refers to the part of the western year that comes after the Chinese New Year.

The input format for the $year is also something that should be specified to a greater detail. Should we accept negative numbers? Accept AD and BC? Default to AD in lack of a sign? We’ll try to address them all.

Last… we trust that the algorithm explained in the wikipedia page is correct! Right…?

The solution

Here’s my attempt at a solution:

sub chinese_zodiac ($year) {
   my ($s, $y, $acbc) = $year =~ m{
      \A \s*
      (-?) \s*
      ([1-9]\d*) \s*
      \s* \z
   die "invalid input date '$year'\n"
      if (! defined $y) || ($s eq '-' && length $acbc);
   $year = $s eq '-' || lc($acbc) eq 'bc' ? -$y : $y;
   my $r = $year > 0 ? (($year + 56) % 60) : 59 - ((2 - $year) % 60);
   my $yin_yang = (qw< Yang Yin >)[$r % 2];
   my $element  = (qw< Wood Fire Earth Metal Water >)[int($r / 2) % 5];
   my $animal   = (qw< Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
      Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig >)[$r % 12];
   return ($yin_yang, $element, $animal);

The first part tries to parse the input, accepting different formats like -246, 246 BC, etc. and to flag errors (e.g. -3 AD is rejected). This allows us to normalize the input $year to a signed integer we can work on.

The wikipedia page talks about remainder modulo 60 but adopts a numbering that starts from 1, which is suboptimal in my opinion. So the implementation above adopts a slight modification of the algorithm that takes into account the shift and eases the following calculations.

The Yin/Yang decision is straighforward, because they alternate each year. Hence, a simple remainder modulo 2 suffices.

The element is a bit trickier because it follows a two-years cycle, so we have to first divide by 2 (in the integer sense) and then take a remainder modulo 5, that is the number of different elements in a cycle.

Last, the animal can be easily derived using a modulo 12 operation.

In all cases, we use the same idiom to get the text value on the fly, i.e. using the index to get an element inside a list, on the fly:

( ... list ... )[ index ]

I hope it’s readable 🙄

The full program, should you be curious:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub chinese_zodiac ($year) {
   my ($s, $y, $acbc) = $year =~ m{
      \A \s*
      (-?) \s*
      ([1-9]\d*) \s*
      \s* \z
   die "invalid input date '$year'\n"
      if (! defined $y) || ($s eq '-' && length $acbc);
   $year = $s eq '-' || lc($acbc) eq 'bc' ? -$y : $y;
   my $r = $year > 0 ? (($year + 56) % 60) : 59 - ((2 - $year) % 60);
   my $yin_yang = (qw< Yang Yin >)[$r % 2];
   my $element  = (qw< Wood Fire Earth Metal Water >)[int($r / 2) % 5];
   my $animal   = (qw< Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
      Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig >)[$r % 12];
   return ($yin_yang, $element, $animal);

my $y = "@ARGV" || 1972;
my ($yin_yang, $element, $animal) = chinese_zodiac($y);
say "$element $animal";
say {*STDERR} "$yin_yang $element $animal";

Stay safe please!

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