

Date::Parse is a useful module.

Now that we know how to determine a Certificate expiration date, it’s time to parse the resulting date into something more useable.

I mean, some people may like a date like May 10 03:09:21 2021 GMT, but I surely don’t.

(I just noticed that my previous sentence has may like ... like May..., fun!)

This is where Perl module Date::Parse comes handy: it accepts a range of different input formats:

1995:01:24T09:08:17.1823213           ISO-8601
Wed, 16 Jun 94 07:29:35 CST           Comma and day name are optional 
Thu, 13 Oct 94 10:13:13 -0700
Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:50:32 -0500 (EST)  Text in ()'s will be ignored.
21 dec 17:05                          Will be parsed in the current time zone
21-dec 17:05
21/dec 17:05
21/dec/93 17:05
1999 10:02:18 "GMT"
16 Nov 94 22:28:20 PST

and gives you back nicely parsed data, either in the form of an epoch (via str2time) or of pieces of information (via strptime).


$ certificate_expiration_date \
    | perl \
        -MDate::Parse=str2time \
        -MPOSIX=strftime \
        -pale 's{.*=(.*)}
                {strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(str2time($1)))}emxs'

This I like better, despite being less… readable 😅

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