Rediscovering IPC::Exe


I recently rediscovered IPC::Exe.

In a previous post (IPC::Cmd considered harmful) I talked about my hurdles with using the CORE module IPC::Cmd and how I was surprised about its behaviour. It even got some attention in Reddit (which, incidentally, makes me wonder whether I should ditch the Disqus commenting completely, given that nobody seems to use it).

In that post I also shared a few alternatives, like IPC::Run which I eventually selected for the problem I had at the time.

Then I recently had to do the Crypt::LE update and I re-discovered a host of small utilities (e.g. the program described in Send notifications through Mailgun with HTTP::Tiny), including one where I used IPC::Exe.

From the NAME section:

Execute processes or Perl subroutines & string them via IPC. Think shell pipes.

The interface is a bit complicated, but at the end of the day IPC::Run’s interface is not simple anyway.

Additionally, there’s a lot of attention regarding the redirection of output streams:

"2>#"  or "2>null"   silence  stderr
 ">#"  or "1>null"   silence  stdout
"2>&1"               redirect stderr to  stdout
"1>&2" or ">&2"      redirect stdout to  stderr
"2>&-"               close    stderr
"1><2" or "2><1"     swap     stdout and stderr
                     (+) shell-way works too:
                         \"3>&1", \"1>&2", \"2>&3", \"3>&-"

but little to no mention about standard input, which was my real interest at the time (and, looking at the code, I solved in an overcomplicated way). Spoiler alert, if you just want to close the first process’s standard input, just pass '\</dev/null'.

As an example, let’s re-create the program to get the expiration date of a TLS certificate, driving it all from Perl:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use IPC::Exe 'exe';
use Date::Parse 'str2time';
use POSIX 'strftime';

my $epoch = str2time(certificate_expiration_date(shift // ''));
say strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', gmtime($epoch));

sub certificate_expiration_date ($target) {
   my ($domain, $port) = split m{:}, $target;
   $target = $domain . ':' . ($port || 443);

   my @parts = &{
      exe qw< openssl s_client -connect >, $target, -servername => $domain,
         \'</dev/null', \'2>/dev/null',
      exe + {stdout => 1}, qw< openssl x509 -noout -enddate >,
   $_ || die "pipe unsuccessful\n" for @parts;
   defined(my $line = readline $parts[-1])
      or die "cannot read from pipeline: $!\n";
   return $line =~ s{.*=}{}rmxs;

The pipeline of two openssl commands is implemented with two calls to exe; the first one contains two redirections:

  • one for standard input, so that s_client will not wait for inputs;
  • one for standard error, to avoid printing too much stuff in output.

The expression &{ ... } is put because the whole exe chaining returns a reference to a sub, which must be invoked to make the magic happen. We might just as well do something like this:

my $sub = exe .... exe ... exe ...;

but maybe it’s clunkier. I don’t know.

So there you have it, another arrow that might come handy in some specific scenario!

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