PWC113 - Represent Integer


Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #113. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a positive integer $N and a digit $D.

Write a script to check if $N can be represented as a sum of positive integers having $D at least once. If check passes print 1 otherwise 0.


Input: $N = 25, $D = 7
Output: 0 as there are 2 numbers between 1 and 25 having the digit 7 i.e. 7 and 17. If we add up both we don't get 25.

Input: $N = 24, $D = 7
Output: 1

The questions

Well, let’s not make too many questions here, because there’s a little loophole… OK, let’s just say that we assume that 14 qualifies as being represented for digit 7 because you get it when you sum 7 twice. Makes sense?

The solution

There are some special conditions where we know the answer beforehand:

  • values of $N less than digit $D do not comply;
  • values that have digit $D inside do comply;
  • values where $N >= 10 * $D always comply.

Wait… what?!?

If a value $N$ is such that $N > 10 \cdot D$, it means that it can be expressed as the following sum:

\[N = 10 \cdot D + K\]

Now we can consider that $K$ can be expressed in terms of its integer division by $D$ like follows:

\[K = q \cdot D + r\]

with $0 \leq r < D \leq 9$. Hence, we can write $N$ as follows:

\[N = 10 \cdot D + q \cdot D + r \\ N = q \cdot D + (10 \cdot D + r)\]

Now, $q \cdot D$ is the same as summing $D$ to itself $q$ times, so it can be represented in terms of “sum of positive integers having $D$ at least once”.

On the other hand, considering the restrictions on $D$ and $r$, the value $10 \cdot D + r$ is the two-digits number where the first digit is $D$ and the last digit is $r$, hence it contains digit $D$ and complies with the rule.

As a result, $N$ is the sum of two compliant addentds and can thus be decomposed according to the rules.

For all the rest we will rely on brute force, because the rules expressed above allow us to put a hard limit to the search space:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub represent_integer ($n, $d) {
   return 0 if $n < $d;        # no point in checking this
   return 1 if $n >= 10 * $d;  # q * d + (10 * d + r)  (0 <= r < 9)
   return 1 if $n =~ m{$d}mxs; # match one digit
   $n -= $d;
   while ($n > 0) {
      return 1 if represent_integer($n, $d);
      $n -= 10;
   return 0;

my $N = shift || 25;
my $D = shift || 7;
say represent_integer($N, $D) ? 1 : 0;

This recursive implementation will not be too much taxing… so it’s OK for this challenge.


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