PWC113 - Recreate Binary Tree


On with TASK #2 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #113. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a Binary Tree.

Write a script to replace each node of the tree with the sum of all the remaining nodes.


Input Binary Tree

   / \
  2   3
 /   / \
4   5   6

Output Binary Tree

   /  \
  26  25
 /   /  \
24  23  22

The questions

When in the past the challenge proposed a binary tree, I took it very literally to get the inputs from the ASCII art representation above. I’ll consider this as a solved problem and assume that the input is provided in a parsed form.

The solution

Our algorithm will do two passes over the tree:

  • in the first pass, we accumulate the values to end up with the overall sum $S$ of all nodes in the tree;
  • in the second pass, we will substitute every value $v$ in every node with $S - v$, i.e. the sum of all the remaining nodes.

At this point… we only need the code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

sub recreate_binary_tree ($tree) {
   my $sum = 0;
   for my $cb (
      sub ($n) { $sum += $n->{value} },
      sub ($n) { $n->{value} = $sum - $n->{value} },
      my @queue = ($tree);
      while (@queue) {
         my $node = shift(@queue) // next;
         next unless exists $node->{children};
         push @queue, $node->{children}->@*;
      } ## end while (@queue)
   } ## end for my $cb (sub ($n) { ...})
   return $tree;
} ## end sub recreate_binary_tree ($tree)

sub node ($value, $left = undef, $right = undef) {
   my %retval = (value => $value);
   $retval{children} = [$left, $right]
     if defined($left) || defined($right);
   return \%retval;
} ## end sub node

sub printout ($root, $indent = 0) {
   my $value = defined($root) ? $root->{value} : '';
   say '  ' x $indent, "<$value>";
   printout($_, $indent + 1) for $root->{children}->@*;

#     1
#    / \
#   2   3
#  /   / \
# 4   5   6
#  \
#   7
my $T =
  node(1, node(2, node(4, undef, node(7))), node(3, node(5), node(6)));


Considering that we have to do the same visit in the tree by only changing a little action (sum in the first pass, substitute in the second pass), we loop over two little callback functions that encapsulate the specifics of the actions at each pass, and reuse the rest of the code in pure merciless refactoring spirit.

Stay safe everyone!

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