ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
PWC115 - String Chain
Here we are with TASK #1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #115. Enjoy!
The challenge
You are given an array of strings.
Write a script to find out if the given strings can be chained to form a circle. Print 1 if found otherwise 0.
A string
can be put before another string$T
in circle if the last character of$S
is same as first character of$T
Input: @S = ("abc", "dea", "cd") Output: 1 as we can form circle e.g. "abc", "cd", "dea". Input: @S = ("ade", "cbd", "fgh") Output: 0 as we can't form circle.
The questions
This is more a question to myself… why did this take this long to solve?!?. I guess Covid got a bit in the way…
Anyway, I guess that the intent is clear and that:
- different case means different characters;
- strings might be repeated;
- it’s better to print out a solution!
The solution
This is the Perl solution:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;
sub string_chain (@S) {
my $start = shift @S;
my ($sf, $sl) = (substr($start, 0, 1), substr($start, -1, 1));
my %starting_with;
push $starting_with{substr $_, 0, 1}->@*, [$_, 0] for @S;
return unless exists $starting_with{$sl};
my @chain = ([$starting_with{$sl}, -1]);
while ('necessary') {
my $top = $chain[-1];
if ((my $i = $top->[-1]) < $top->[0]->$#*) {
$top->[0][$i][1] = 0 if $i >= 0; # reset last iteration
++$i; # advance at least once
++$i while $i <= $top->[0]->$#* && $top->[0][$i][1];
$top->[-1] = $i;
redo LINK if $i > $top->[0]->$#*;
my $last_letter = substr $top->[0][$i][0], -1, 1;
if (@chain == @S) {
if ($last_letter eq $sf) {
return [
map {$_->[0][$_->[-1]][0]} @chain,
else {
$top->[0][$i][1] = 1; # mark this item
if (my $sw = $starting_with{$last_letter}) {
push @chain, [$sw, -1]; # "recurse"
else {
return if $last_letter ne $sf;
elsif (@chain > 1) { pop @chain } # backtrack...
else { return } # no luck...
my @words = @ARGV ? @ARGV : qw< abc dea cd >;
if (my $chain = string_chain(@words)) {
say 1;
say {*STDERR} join ' ', $chain->@*;
else { say 0 }
There’s not too much to explain:
- we’re simulating a recursion via a loop over a stack (
). A recursion would be the same of course, but we would need to pass a lot of stuff around; - there is no backtracking from the very first step (hence
@chain > 1
) - I have no idea if it’s breaking in some obscure way!
I’ve also coded a Raku solution… although my level is so basic that I struggle in just translating Perl 🙄
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub string-chain (@S is copy) {
my $start = @S.shift;
my $sf = $start.substr(0, 1);
my $sl = $start.substr(*-1, 1);
my %starting-with;
for @S -> $s {
%starting-with{$s.substr(0, 1)}.push([$s, 0]);
return unless %starting-with{$sl};
my @chain = [%starting-with{$sl}, -1],;
loop {
my $top = @chain[*-1];
if (my $i = $top[*-1]) < $top[0].elems - 1 {
$top[0][$i][1] = 0 if $i >= 0;
++$i while $i < $top[0].elems && $top[0][$i][1];
$top[1] = $i;
redo LINK if $i > $top[0].elems - 1;
my $last_letter = $top[0][$i][0].substr(*-1,1);
if (@chain.elems == @S.elems) {
if ($last_letter eq $sf) {
return [
$start, -> $x {$x[0][$x[*-1]][0]}
else {
$top[0][$i][1] = 1;
if my $sw = %starting-with{$last_letter} {
@chain.push: [$sw, -1];
else {
return if $last_letter ne $sf;
elsif (@chain.elems > 1) { @chain.pop }
else { return }
sub MAIN (*@words is copy) {
@words = < abc dea cd > unless @words.elems;
my $chain = string-chain(@words);
if ($chain) {
say 1;
$chain.join(' ').note;
else {
say 0;
Well… it works for a couple of examples!