Count Possible Paths


What TASK #2 from the Perl Weekly Challenge #117 could (well… SHOULD) have been…

Fellow participants to the Perl Weekly Challenge, I have discovered a shocking secret.

We were all tricked. By none other than… well, you know.

Conspiracy theory circles knew this since ages: the Find Possible Paths challenge was supposed to require us count how many different ways to go from the top to the bottom-right, not to enumerate them! Alas, nobody listened to them.

I guess that, were the original challenge published instead:

\[S_0 = 1 \\ S_1 = 2 \\ S_n = 3S_{n - 1} + \sum_{k = 1}^{n - 2}S_{k}S_{n - k - 1}\]

This can be (could have been?) coded in Raku like this:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub sn (Int:D $N where * > 0) {
   state $sns = [1, 2];
   while $N > $sns.end {
      my $n = $sns.elems;
      $sns.push: [+] 3 * $sns[*-1],
         (1 .. $n - 2).map({$sns[$_] * $sns[$n - $_ - 1]}).Slip;
   return $sns[$N];

put $_, ' -> ', sn($_) for 1 .. 20;

I start to get the gist of it… except for flat and when to use Slip, which still trick me almost every time 🙄

Well… there we are at the end. Now you know!

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