Raku - default member values, again


Some additional thoughts on setting default values for member variables (well… attributes!) in Raku.

In previous post Raku - default member values I wrote about a few ways to set the defaults for member variables, or attributes, as they are called in Raku. This is what I came up with:

class DefaultedMember {
   has $!member;
   has $!other-member;
   has &!callback;
   has @!items;
   submethod BUILD (
      :$!member = 'whatever',
      :&!callback = { '[' ~ $^a ~ ']' },
   ) {
      $!member = 'fixed-prefix-' ~ $!member if $!member ~~ /hello/;
      $!other-member //= 'hey!';
      @!items = $!member;
   method add-to-items (*@new-items) {
      @!items.push: @new-items.Slip;
   method talk {
      put &!callback($!member), ' ', $!other-member, ' ', @!items.gist;

It turns out that There Is More Than One Way To Do It. Of course.

It also turns out that a detailed explanation of this topic happens to have been written in the documentation: Object construction.

I eventually found out why BUILD should be a submethod: it does stuff that is very specific for this class and it will be called anyway even for subclasses, so you want that each subclass gets its own or none at all, without inheriting the wrong BUILD from a parent.

Somewhere else, it’s also suggested to use TWEAK for the initialization, although I’m still not totally convinced of the advantages and find it WEAKer. Well, terrible pun.

The rationale seems to be that BUILD is called first, then the default values specified in the attribute declaration are applied, then TWEAK is called. As such, TWEAK gets the attributes initialized with either an externally-provided value, or the default one in the declaration.

I’m not sure I buy this argument, though, because there’s an easy solution to this (use default values in the BUILD signature, as explained in the last post and in Object construction) that has the added value to enable binding the attributes to the signature itself, making it possible to also set private attributes from the constructor. I don’t know.

All in all, anyway, I’m happy that I found the right documentation to read for this!

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