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Raku cglib: A* algorithm
A tight implementation of the A* algorithm in Raku.
To continue my joint effort of learning a bit of Raku and porting my cglib-perl library to it, I’ve added Astar.rakumod to the lot.
To be honest, this post and implementation are from a bit ago. I hope I didn’t miss anything I learned in the meantime!
It’s also an executable, with a very minimal example of usage:
sub MAIN {
my $map = q:to/END/;
# #
# #### #
# # #
# #
sub mapper ($map) {
return sub ($node) {
state @lines = $ *.comb;
my ($x, $y) = $node;
die 'invalid y' unless 0 <= $y < @lines.elems;
die 'invalid x' unless 0 <= $x < @lines[$y].elems;
return () if @lines[$y][$x] eq '#';
return gather {
for $y - 1 .. $y + 1 -> $Y {
next unless 0 <= $Y < @lines.elems;
for $x - 1 .. $x + 1 -> $X {
next unless 0 <= $X < @lines[$Y].elems;
next if $X == $x && $Y == $y;
next if @lines[$Y][$X] eq '#';
take ($X, $Y);
sub map-path($map, @path is copy) {
my @lines = $map.lines.reverse;
sub put-item ($pos, $char = '.') {
my ($x, $y) = $pos;
@lines[$y].substr-rw($x, 1) = $char;
put-item(@path.shift, 'S');
put-item(@path.pop, 'G');
put-item($_, '.') for @path;
return @lines.reverse.join("\n");
my $nav =
distance => {($^v «-» $^w).map(*.abs).sum},
heuristic => {($^v «-» $^w).map(*²).sum.sqrt},
identifier => {$^v.join(',')},
successors => mapper($map),
my @path = $, 1), (4, 4));
put map-path($map, @path);
.say for @path;
Actually, most of the code above is to turn the map from a string to a suitable representation for making A* work.
The output of the example above is the following:
# ..G #
#.#### #
#. # #
#S #
(1 1)
(1 2)
(1 3)
(2 4)
(3 4)
(4 4)
Have fun!