Think Bayes in Raku - Pmf class, take 2


A new take on Think Bayes in Raku - Pmf class.

In previous post Think Bayes in Raku - Pmf class we saw a (simple) class for dealing with probability mass functions. I received quality feedback on it, I hope I’ll be able to remember that stuff in the future.

Looking through the second edition of Think Bayes I realized that the multiply method is… suboptimal:

method multiply ($key, $factor) { ...

This does the multiplication for a single key. It’s a good building block, yes… but most of the times we’re going to multiply the whole probability mass function times the likelihood for all slots in the Pmf. As such, then, it makes sense to get a whole mapping of likelihood values, and do the multiplication for them all:

multi method multiply (%h, :$default = Nil) {
   for %!value-for.keys -> $key {
      %!value-for{$key} *= %h{$key}:exists ?? %h{$key}
         !! defined($default) ?? $default
         !! die "missing key '$key' in multiplier";
   return self;

Yes, I switched to multi method so that I can keep the old multiply too. Call me sentimental.

The $default (named) parameter is there to account for the possibility of missing keys in the likelihood hash %h. By default it complains loudly. Should we have a default, though, we can set it there.

Now we can also add some eye candy:

multi sub infix:<*=> (Pmf:D $l is rw, %r) { return $l.multiply(%r) }
multi sub infix:<*>  (Pmf:D $l is rw, %r) { return $l.clone.multiply(%r) }

This allows us to write stuff like this:

my $prior =<A 1 B 1 C 1>);
my %likelihood = A => 1/2, B => 3/4, C => 1/8;
my $posterior = $prior * %likelihood;

or this:

my $pmf =<A 1 B 1 C 1>);
my %likelihood = A => 1/2, B => 3/4, C => 1/8;
$pmf *= %likelihood;

which, I think, is super-cool.

Here’s the new, revised implementation:

use v6;

class Pmf {
   has %.value-for;

   multi method new (@data) { => hash(@data)) }
   multi method new (%data) { => %data)       }
         method clone ()    { }

   method gist () {
      ( |'---', |%! { "  «$_» %!value-for{$_}" } )

   method total () { return [+] %!value-for.values }

   method normalize (Numeric:D $sum = 1) {
      my $total = or return self;
      my $factor = $sum / $total;
      %!value-for.values »*=» $factor;
      return self;

   method set ($key, $value) {
      %!value-for{$key} = $value;
      return self;

   method increment ($key, $amount = 1) {
      %!value-for{$key} += $amount;
      return self;

   multi method multiply ($key, $factor) {
      %!value-for{$key} *= $factor;
      return self;

   multi method multiply (%h, :$default = Nil) {
      for %!value-for.keys -> $key {
         %!value-for{$key} *= %h{$key}:exists ?? %h{$key}
            !! defined($default) ?? $default
            !! die "missing key '$key' in multiplier";
      return self;

   method probability ($key) { self.P($key) }
   method P ($key) {
      die "no key '$key' in PMF" unless self.value-for{$key}:exists;
      my $T = or die 'Empty PMF, sorry!';
      return self.value-for{$key} / $T;

multi sub infix:<*=> (Pmf:D $l is rw, %r) { return $l.multiply(%r) }
multi sub infix:<*>  (Pmf:D $l is rw, %r) { return $l.clone.multiply(%r) }

sub MAIN {
   #my $pmf = => <A 10 B 20>.hash);
   my $pmf =<A 10 B 20>);
   say $pmf;

   $pmf ='A', 6));
   say $pmf;
   $pmf.increment('A', 4).increment('B', 20);

   $pmf =;
   $pmf.set('A', 10).set('B', 20);

   $pmf.multiply('A', 2);

   my $cookie ='Bowl 1', 1, 'Bowl 2', 1).hash);
   $cookie.multiply('Bowl 1', 3/4);
   $cookie.multiply('Bowl 2', 1/2);
   say 'probability it came from Bowl 1: ', $cookie.P('Bowl 1');

      my $cookie ='Bowl 1', 1, 'Bowl 2', 1));
      my %lhood  = 'Bowl 1' => 3/4, 'Bowl 2' => 1/2;

      my $clone = $cookie * %lhood;
      put 'cookie: ', $cookie.gist;
      put 'clone:  ', $clone.gist;
      say 'probability it came from Bowl 1: ', $clone.P('Bowl 1');

      $cookie *= hash('Bowl 1' => 0.2, 'Bowl 2' => 0.9);
      say 'probability it came from Bowl 1: ', $cookie.P('Bowl 1');

Stay safe folks!

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