Advent of Code 2018/04 made me feel old


Advent of Code 2018 puzzle 4 made me feel old.

As I see it, I started toying with Advent of Code 2018 about in mid-May this year, and stopped at puzzle 4 at the beginning of June.

It’s not particularly difficult, which is probably… the problem. It gave me the subtle feeling that there had to be a very quick and dirty solution to it, but I didn’t actually know what that looked like.

So I avoided this puzzle for a few months, thinking (hoping?) that an elegant solution would come out. Until a few days ago, when I thought that enough is enough and it was time to do the hard coding job. Which made me feel old.

Then I thought: well, let’s do this in Raku! And I felt old even more, because I coded my solution with a strong Perl accent, and my thoughts constantly went to all people that know how to bend Raku to their will and make wonders with a few lines. Heck, I even struggled with parsing the inputs!

Anyway, here’s my solution:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;

sub MAIN ($filename = Nil) {
   my $inputs = get-inputs($filename // $?FILE.subst(/\.raku$/, '.tmp'));
   my ($part1, $part2) = solve($inputs);

   my $highlight = "\e[1;97;45m";
   my $reset     = "\e[0m";
   put "part1 $highlight$part1$reset";
   put "part2 $highlight$part2$reset";

sub get-inputs ($filename) {
   my @inputs = $filename.IO.basename.IO.lines.sort({$^a leg $^b})
      .map: {
         when /\d+ \: (\d+) \] \s+ falls/ { ('sleep', $0)  }
         when /\d+ \: (\d+) \] \s+ wakes/ { ('wake', $0) }
         when /Guard \s+ '#' (\d+) / { ('start', $0) }
         default { die $_ }
   return @inputs;
} ## end sub get_inputs ($filename = undef)

sub solve ($inputs) {
   return (part1($inputs), part2($inputs));

sub part1 ($inputs) {
   my %minutes-for;
   my %slots-for;
   my ($guard, $start);
   my ($max-guard, $max-sleep) = (0, 0);
   for @$inputs -> $input {
      my ($action, $param) = @$input;
      with $action {
         when 'sleep' {
            $start = $param;
         when 'wake' {
            (%slots-for{$guard} //= []).push($start ..^ $param);
            my $mins = %minutes-for{$guard} += $param - $start;
            ($max-guard, $max-sleep) = ($guard, $mins)
               if $mins > $max-sleep;
         when 'start' {
            $guard = $param;
         default { die $action }
   my %count-for;
   my ($max-minute, $max-count) = (0, 0);
   for %slots-for{$max-guard}.List -> $slot {
      for @$slot -> $minute {
         my $count = ++%count-for{$minute};
         ($max-minute, $max-count) = ($minute, $count)
            if $count > $max-count;
   return $max-guard * $max-minute;

sub part2 ($inputs) {
   my (%count-for);
   my ($max-guard, $max-count, $max-minute) = (0, 0, 0);
   my ($guard, $start);
   for @$inputs -> $input {
      my ($action, $param) = @$input;
      with $action {
         when 'start' { $guard = $param }
         when 'sleep' { $start = $param }
         when 'wake'  {
            for $start ..^ $param -> $minute {
               my $count = ++%count-for{$guard}{$minute};
               ($max-guard, $max-count, $max-minute) =
                  ($guard, $count, $minute) if $count > $max-count;
         default { die 'wtf?!?' }
   return $max-guard * $max-minute;

Was this a complete failure? Well… NO! A few take-aways:

  • even if old, I still can manage these tasks 😎
  • I definitely experienced that optimum is the enemy of good - I could have coded this a lot of time ago!
  • I used with/when for the first time, and it felt natural.

So, all in all, a good experience 😄

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