

A module to name your imports to your liking.

Sometimes I use functions from Perl modules but I don’t like the name of those functions. As an example, encode_base64 and decode_base64 from MIME::Base64 have perfectly fine an readable names, but I’d like to be able to just call base64 the first, of give them very short names like e64 and d64. Additionally, that md5_hex from Digest::MD5 is, too, a good and readable name… but I would so like to just call it as md5sum 🙄

This is where Sub::Import comes handy: it allows to import subs (nothing more) with custom names:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.024;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< postderef signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::postderef experimental::signatures >;

use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/local/lib/perl5", "$Bin/lib";

use Sub::Import 'MIME::Base64',
  encode_base64 => {-as => 'e64'},
  decode_base64 => {-as => 'd64'};
use Sub::Import 'Digest::MD5', md5_hex => {-as => 'md5sum'};
use Sub::Import 'Math::Trig', -all => {-prefix => 'trig_'};
use Sub::Import 'Math::Trig', -pi  => {-suffix => '_the_great'};

my $text    = 'whateeeevah!';
my $encoded = e64($text, '');
my $decoded = d64($encoded);
my $digest  = md5sum($text);
say "$text\n$encoded\n$decoded\n$digest";
say trig_tan(trig_deg2rad(45));
say trig_tan(pi_the_great() / 4);



My personal opinions after using it for about 5 minutes:

  • I like that functions can get custom names;
  • I like that it’s possible to use it multiple times for multiples imports;
  • I don’t like the documentation. It somehow points to Sub::Exporter for using it, which seems too lazy even for me.

So I would like a lot having at least the following SYNOPSIS:

# import a function with a custom name
use Sub::Import 'Digest::MD5', md5_hex => {-as => 'md5sum'};

# import multiple functions, each with its own name
use Sub::Import 'MIME::Base64',
  encode_base64 => {-as => 'e64'},
  decode_base64 => {-as => 'd64'};

# Import most functions with the "trig_" prefix, e.g. "trig_log",
# "trig_sin", "trig_cos", etc.
use Sub::Import 'Math::Trig', -all => {-prefix => 'trig_'};

# Import PI-related functions with the "_the_great" suffix, e.g.
# "pi_the_great", "pi2_the_great", etc.
use Sub::Import 'Math::Trig', -pi  => {-suffix => '_the_great'};

Which is why… there’s this Issue now 🤞

Stay safe everyone!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!