PWC135 - Validate SEDOL


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #135. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given 7-characters alphanumeric SEDOL.

Write a script to validate the given SEDOL. Print 1 if it is a valid SEDOL otherwise 0.

For more information about SEDOL, please checkout the wikipedia page.

Example 1

Input: $SEDOL = '2936921'
Output: 1

Example 2

Input: $SEDOL = '1234567'
Output: 0

Example 3

Input: $SEDOL = 'B0YBKL9'
Output: 1

The questions

Every little detail about this challenge is actually addressed by the wikipedia page as a first stop, and the thorough documentation as the ultimate, authoritative source.

I have to admit that I had a residual question after reading the explanation in wikipedia, namely to understand which letters would be considered vowels (because they have to be ignored). It turns out that’s the same as we have in Italian - namely AEIOU - and that Y is not considered a vowel. Fair enough.

The interface is sufficiently specified: we’re expecting a 0 or a 1 back, and I’m assuming it’s OK to use whatever Perl deems sufficient for it. Our mileage may vary depending on the language - e.g. C might insist that we specify if we’re getting back a char, an int, or a string for example.

The solution

This is basically a validation function… so on to do the validation.

Perl comes first:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use List::Util 'sum';
sub validate_SEDOL ($s) {
   state $weights = [1, 3, 1, 7, 3, 9, 1];
   return 0 if $s !~ m{\A [0-9B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-Z]{6} [0-9] \z}mxs;
   my @s = split m{}mxs, $s;
   my $sum = sum map {
      my $n = $s[$_] le '9' ? $s[$_] + 0 : ord($s[$_]) - ord('A') + 10;
      $weights->[$_] * $n;
   } 0 .. 6;
   return $sum % 10 ? 0 : 1;
say validate_SEDOL(shift // 'B0YBKL9');

The list of weights is kept in a state variable because they don’t change and it does not make sense to re-define the variable over and over. It’s not needed in this challenge, of course; consider this as part of my diet to try and use the right thing depending on its goal, especially if this does not imply any complication on the code. Well, I’m just assuming that nobody will be puzzled by that state variable anyway, and I’m sure future me will recognize the pattern.

The initial validation is against having the right amount of characters of the right type. As it is, the initial 6 characters can be digits of non-vowels, while the last character can only be a digit to make the checksum be exactly divisible by 10 (so it’s a more restricted set of characters).

If this syntax validation is fine, we proceed to apply the SEDOL-specific validation step, calculating the weighted sum and checking its value for divisibility by 10 (actually, we compute the rest in the division by 10, and make sure it’s 0).

Let’s move on to Raku:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub validate-SEDOL (Str() $s) {
   state @weights = 1, 3, 1, 7, 3, 9, 1;
   return 0 if $s !~~ /^ <[0..9 B..D F..H J..N P..T V..Z]> ** 6 <[ 0..9 ]> $/;
   my $sum = (0 .. 6).map({
      my $c = $s.substr($_, 1);
      my $n = $c le '9' ?? $c + 0 !! $c.ord - 'A'.ord + 10;
      @weights[$_] * $n;
   return $sum % 10 ?? 0 !! 1;
put validate-SEDOL(@*ARGS[0] || 2936921);

The translation is almost… the same, with the big difference with respect to the regular expression. I have to say that the Raku way is interesting… but I still would like to have had Perl’s instead!

Enough for this post… stay safe!

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