PWC136 - Two Friendly


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #136. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given 2 positive numbers, $m and $n.

Write a script to find out if the given two numbers are Two Friendly.

Two positive numbers, m and n are two friendly when gcd(m, n) = 2 ^ p where p > 0. The greatest common divisor (gcd) of a set of numbers is the largest positive number that divides all the numbers in the set without remainder.

Example 1

Input: $m = 8, $n = 24
Output: 1

Reason: gcd(8,24) = 8 => 2 ^ 3

Example 2

Input: $m = 26, $n = 39
Output: 0

Reason: gcd(26,39) = 13

Example 3

Input: $m = 4, $n = 10
Output: 1

Reason: gcd(4,10) = 2 => 2 ^ 1

The questions

I’m assuming that number here means integer, right?

Apart from this… nothing more to ask!

The solution

We’ll start with Raku, over-engineering a bit a cryptic solution. Yes! Both cryptic and over-engineered!

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN ($m = 8, $n = 24) { put two-friendly($m, $n) ?? 1 !! 0 }
subset Pint of Int where * > 0;
sub two-friendly (Pint:D $m, Pint:D $n) { positive-power2(gcd($m, $n)) }
sub positive-power2 ($x) { $x > 1 && is-power2($x) }
multi sub is-power2 (1) { True }
multi sub is-power2 ($x where * <= 0) { False }
multi sub is-power2 ($x where * %% 2) { is-power2($x +> 1) }
multi sub is-power2 ($x) { False }
sub gcd ($A is copy, $B is copy) { ($A, $B) = $B % $A, $A while $A; $B }

The over-engineering is about using multi sub to cope with the different cases. I wanted to go for a solution where each function fit in a single line, but also to exercise some muscle memory that these functional cases can be addressed with multi instead of if/then/else or chaining conditions.

So we put Raku at work by first figuring out the best case, even adding a case that makes things a bit ambiguous: what if our input is both negative and exactly divisible by 2? Anyway, this is a moot question in this case, because is-power2 is only called with positive integers in our program, so the sub about $x being negative is there only for documentation.

In some sense, the Perl translation also simplifies things, because it’s still possible to stick to the one-liner functions while moving to a more traditional “complex” boolean condition in is_power2:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

say two_friendly(@ARGV ? @ARGV[0, 1] : (8, 24)) ? 1 : 0;
sub two_friendly ($m, $n) { positive_power2(gcd($m, $n)) }
sub positive_power2 ($x) { $x > 1 && is_power2($x) }
sub is_power2 ($x) { $x == 1 || $x > 0 && !($x % 2) && is_power2($x >> 1) }
sub gcd ($A, $B) { ($A, $B) = ($B % $A, $A) while $A; $B }

I know, I know… we’re also losing input validation, but why spoil such a compact amass of characters and steal a lot of people the delight to bash Perl? 🙄

Stay safe everybody!

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