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Proxy setup for Netcat in Perl
Adding support for
setup in a Netcat for Perl. All code in a single sweep inside this snippet.
In Reinventing Netcat in Perl we saw a way of putting some code that implements the basic functionality of Netcat in Perl.
Now it’s time to look at the support for HTTP proxies that accept the
package IO::Flows::HttpProxy;
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw< proxy_CONNECT >;
sub _peer_socket ($hp) {
my ($host, $port) = split m{:}mxs, $hp;
require IO::Socket::INET;
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
) or die "IO::Socket $!\n";
sub proxy_CONNECT ($proxy, $target, $credentials = undef) {
state $CRLF = "\x{0d}\x{0a}";
my $pxy = _peer_socket($proxy);
my @request = (
"CONNECT $target HTTP/1.1",
"Host: $target",
if (defined $credentials) {
require MIME::Base64;
$credentials = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($credentials, '');
push @request, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $credentials";
my $flower = IO::Flows->new;
my $sid = $flower->add_flow(
read => {fh => undef},
write => {fh => $pxy, shutdown => 0},
buffer => join($CRLF, @request, '', ''),
my $rflow = {
read => {fh => $pxy, shutdown => 0},
write => {fh => undef},
buffer => '',
my $rid = $flower->add_flow($rflow);
while ('necessary') {
$flower->spin or die "whatevah\n";
$rflow->{buffer} =~ s{\A (.*?) (?-x:\x{0d}?\x{0a}\x{0d}?\x{0a}) }{}mxs or next;
my $headers = $1;
print {*STDERR} "HEADERS:\n>$headers<\n";
return (
read => { fh => $pxy },
buffer => $rflow->{buffer},
write => { fh => $pxy },
buffer => '',
package main;
my ($rpxy, $wpxy) = IO::Flows::HttpProxy::proxy_CONNECT(@ARGV);
my $flower = IO::Flows->new;
$flower->add_flow({$rpxy->%*, write => { fh => \*STDOUT }});
$flower->add_flow({$wpxy->%*, read => { fh => \*STDIN }});
1 while $flower->spin;
The idea is to create the connection to the proxy and handle the initial
part where the other connection is setup. After that, we use
to revert to the old Netcat behaviour: connect the
standard I/O descriptors with the socket to the proxy.
All code in a single sweep inside this snippet.
Stay safe folks!