A bare-bones kinit in Perl


Implementing a very basic kinit functionality using Authen::Krb5 in Perl.

When playing with Kerberos, at a certain point there will be the need to login with a password at least on time, right?

This is where kinit usually comes into play: run it with the principal and it will populate the cache with one-ticket-to-rule-them-all:

kinit admin@DEMO1.FREEIPA.ORG    # password is Secret123

(Example possible thanks to the demo at FreeIPA).

This is (I hope) sufficient, i.e. no fancy options to be passed. Just a plain remote authentication with whatever is default.

What if we don’t (want to) have kinit though?

Well… we can use Perl with Authen::Krb5, of course!

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';

use Authen::Krb5;

sub wtf () { die Authen::Krb5::error() . "\n" }

Authen::Krb5::init_context() or wtf;

my $user = shift // 'admin@DEMO1.FREEIPA.ORG';
my $principal = Authen::Krb5::parse_name($user)  or wtf;
say 'principal is-a ', blessed($principal);

my $cache_location = 'MEMORY';
my $cache = Authen::Krb5::cc_resolve($cache_location) or wtf;
say 'cache is-a ', blessed($cache);
$cache->initialize($principal) or wtf;

my $credentials = Authen::Krb5::get_init_creds_password(
   $principal, 'Secret123') or wtf;
say 'credentianls is-a ', blessed($credentials);
$cache->store_cred($credentials) or wtf;

exit 0;

The magic is done by get_init_creds_password, which takes defaults from a file and environment variables, I guess. Whatever, it works!

In this case we’re setting the cache location in MEMORY, because we don’t need to save the received ticket permanently. For any later usage (be it in MEMORY or elsewhere) it’s still necessary to call $cache->store_cred(...) or our $credentials will not be available down the line. I guess.

It’s also possible to select the default location for the system, usually a file that will be used by all other applications (e.g. an LDAP client). In this case, instead of cc_resolve(...) it’s possible to use cc_default() (no parameters).

Next stop will be figuring out if it’s possible to mix this loading of the tickets in memory and have the SASL modules use it… stay tuned!

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