PWC140 - Add Binary


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #140. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given two decimal-coded binary numbers, $a and $b.

Write a script to simulate the addition of the given binary numbers.

The script should simulate something like a+b. (operator overloading)

Example 1

Input: $a = 11; $b = 1;
Output: 100

Example 2

Input: $a = 101; $b = 1;
Output: 110

Example 3

Input: $a = 100; $b = 11;
Output: 111

The questions

I’m not entirely sure what we mean by decimal-coded binary numbers, as they are used in the sum they’re… binary-coded numbers. Whatever.

I’m also not sure what we mean by simulating the operator overloading. Should I do actual operator overloading, or is it sufficient to implement the underlying operations, and leave the overloading as a simple exercise for the reader?

The solution

We will take two different approaches this time.

In Raku we’ll just make it do the math, by converting from and two base 2:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
subset Bin of Str where * ~~ /^ <[0 1]>+ $/;
sub add-binary (Bin() $a, Bin() $b) {
   return ($a.parse-base(2) + $b.parse-base(2)).base(2);
sub MAIN (Bin() $A = 101, Bin() $B = 11) { put add-binary($A, $B) }

I decided to implement a new type Bin, defined as a subset of strings that contain only 0 or 1 characters. Using strings is instrumental to convert from base 2 (via parse-base(2)).

Note that the type of the function arguments are provided with the two parentheses. This instructs Raku to perform the conversion in case what is provided is not readily in the right state, e.g. when we pass an IntStr or an Int.


Here’s the overloading part:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
subset Bin of Str where * ~~ /^ <[0 1]>+ $/;
sub add-binary (Bin() $a, Bin() $b) {
   return ($a.parse-base(2) + $b.parse-base(2)).base(2);
multi sub infix:<+> (Bin $A, Bin $B) { add-binary($A, $B) }
sub MAIN (Bin() $A = 101, Bin() $B = 11) { put $A + $B }

Well, Perl time now. We’re going to use a different algorithm here, actually implementing the sum in the hard, binary way, sequentially looking at each bit pair and managing a carry over bit. It’s not meant for production, right?!?

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

package Bin;
use overload
   '+' => sub ($A, $B, @whatever) {
      my @A = split m{}mxs, $$A;
      my @B = split m{}mxs, $$B;
      my @result;
      my $carry = 0;
      while (@A || @B) {
         my $sum = $carry + (pop(@A) // 0) + (pop(@B) // 0);
         unshift @result, $sum & 0x01;
         $carry = $sum >> 1;
      unshift @result, $carry if $carry;
      @result = (0) unless @result;
      return Bin->new(join '', @result);
   '""' => sub ($x, @whatever) { '' . $$x };
sub new ($p, $x) { return bless \$x, $p }

package main;
sub Bin ($x) { return Bin->new($x) }

say Bin($ARGV[0] // 11) + Bin($ARGV[1] // 1);

The operator overloading can distract a bit, but not too much.

I decided to throw a convenience Bin() function to simplify the Bin package constructor calling. The class holds the number/string in a reference to a scalar, which is all that we need in this case.

The algorithm itself works on each “bit” in the string representation of the inputs. They are split to get each digit, then worked sequentally with the carry. I hope I didn’t miss any corner case!!!

I think it’s enough at this point to feel slighly overloaded, so please stay safe and see you soon!

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