AoC 2021/24 - Blockchain under the sea


On with Advent of Code puzzle 24 from 2021: taming exponential explosion and magic smoke.

This day’s puzzle is special.

Usually we have to figure out what to do by reading through the puzzle description, and look at the specific inputs only to figure out how to parse it and then our specific solution.

This time, though, either we have a lot of computational power, or we have to figure out what’s going on from the inside and find out a way to cut down the exponential growth of the brute force approach.

It’s a program for a specific, simple CPU with 4 registers, taking an input string of 14 digits that has to be crafted to obtain a specific result (0). Overall, the program reminds me of calculating some hash function, so the goal of obtaining a specific result reminds me of Bitcoin mining and in general of blockchain fun.

I can only guess that my specific input is a small variation of the same puzzle. The program is composed of 14 sections that are variations from the same template, like the following where the places with differences are highlighted with arrows and letters i, j, and k:

inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1    # <- i
add x 12   # <- j
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 1    # <- k
mul y x
add z y

Of the four registers, w is always used to get one input digit, while x and y are always reset inside each function. So, the only one that goes through the sequence of operations is register z.

The whole function can be syntesized as follows:

sub basic-function ($i, $j, $k, $z, $w) {
   my $x = (($z % 26) + $j == $w) ?? 0 !! 1;
   ($z / $i).Int * (25 * $x + 1) + ($w + $k) * $x;

where $z comes from the previous function (starts at 0), $w comes from the input sequence under test, and the other three parameters are specific for each of the 14 sections of the whole program.

Of the three parameters, $i is the most interesting, because it can only assume values 1 and 26. A 1 generally means that $z will come out greater than how it came in, while 26 leaves space for going down by choosing the right value for $w. As we are aiming to reach 0 eventually, this means that we have to choose that specific value in order to reach our goal.

Out of 14 functions, 7 go up and 7 allow to go down, so instead of $9^14$ possible arrangements we only have to sift through at most $9^7$, because the 7 functions that can go down will have their value for $w fixed in order to actually go down. Muuuch better.

To solve to whole puzzle, we first read all input functions and record their values for $i, $j, and $k in an array of triples:

sub get-inputs ($input) {
   my (@short, @short-cur);
   my (@full,  @full-cur);
   for $input.IO.lines -> $line {
      with $line {
         when /^ div \s+ z \s+ <( \-? \d+ )> / {
            @short-cur[0] = +$/;
         when /^ add \s+ x \s+ <( \-? \d+ )> / {
            @short-cur[1] = +$/;
         when /^ add \s+ y \s+ <( \-? \d+ )> / {
            @short-cur[2] = +$/;
         when 'add z y' { @short.push: [@short-cur.List] }

      my $op = $line.comb(/\S+/);
      if ($op[0] eq 'inp') {
         @full.push: [@full-cur.List] if @full-cur.elems;
         @full-cur = ();
      else {
         @full-cur.push: $op;
   @full.push: [@full-cur.List] if @full-cur.elems;
   return {short => @short, full => @full};

The basic-function is transformed to use each triple, but it’s basically the same function and I’m penalized by my brittle Raku-fu here:

sub eval-short ($func, $z, $w) {
   my ($i, $j, $k) = @$func;
   my $x = (($z % 26) + $j == $w) ?? 0 !! 1;
   ($z / $i).Int * (25 * $x + 1) + ($w + $k) * $x;

The quest for a valid arrangement is performed recursively, using each function for different $depths, until we reach the final one where we check whether $z has the right value or not:

sub eval-rec ($funcs, $greatest = True, $depth = 0, $z = 0, @w = []) {
   return $z == 0 ?? @w.join('') !! '' if $depth == $funcs.elems;
   my $func = $funcs[$depth];
   my @candidates;
   if $func[0] == 26 { # might going backwards, yay!
      my $w = $z % 26 + $func[1];
      @candidates.push: $w if 1 <= $w <= 9;
   else { # try 'em all...
      @candidates = 1 .. 9;
      @candidates = @candidates.reverse if $greatest;
   for @candidates -> $w {
      my $outcome = eval-rec($funcs, $greatest, $depth + 1,
         eval-short($func, $z, $w), [@w.Slip, $w]);
      return $outcome if $outcome.chars;
   return '';

As anticipated, parameter $i (which is $func[0] here makes all the difference. If it is equal to 26, we have our chance to “go down” by choosing the right value for $w (i.e. the right value for the input digit). This is calculated according to the value of $j/$func[1] and requires no try-or-backtrack. In case no suitable value can be found, then @candidates will be left empty, the for loop will be ignored and the return will trigger some backtracking in the upper level call.

Otherwise… we have to go through several possible values and get the best. The two halves of the puzzle ask for the bigger and the smaller values, so we have to count down from 9 to 1 in part 1 and up from 1 to 9 in part 2. This is why we also have a $greatest input variable, set by default (for part 1) but optionally overridable (for part 2).

sub part1 ($inputs) { return eval-rec($inputs, True)  }
sub part2 ($inputs) { return eval-rec($inputs, False) }

Overall a nice puzzle, although I’m not sure I totally enjoyed it. I mean, looking into the functions and getting the gist of their implementation is the puzzle, but left me with the strange feeling that my solution might not be that generic and valid for other inputs too.

Anyway… I got past it, and I hope every one of you will stay safe!

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