PWC152 - Triangle Sum Path


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #152. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a triangle array.

Write a script to find the minimum sum path from top to bottom.

Example 1:

Input: $triangle = [ [1], [5,3], [2,3,4], [7,1,0,2], [6,4,5,2,8] ]

               5 3
              2 3 4
             7 1 0 2
            6 4 5 2 8

Output: 8

    Minimum Sum Path = 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 => 8

Example 2:

Input: $triangle = [ [5], [2,3], [4,1,5], [0,1,2,3], [7,2,4,1,9] ]

               2 3
              4 1 5
             0 1 2 3
            7 2 4 1 9

Output: 9

    Minimum Sum Path = 5 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 1 => 9

The questions

Oh my how many questions I have.

The most basic one is what is a path from top to bottom. By the arrangement of the numbers in the triangle, I was assuming that itā€™s some kind of graph where each node is connected to up to two nodes above and up to two nodes below, e.g. the 3 at the very center of the first example would be connected to the 5 and 3 above of it, and to the 1 and 0 immediately below. On the other hand, both examples make it clear that this is not the case: in the first example we go from the 2 in third row to the 0 in the fourth, and they are definitely not ā€œcloseā€ by the definition above.

Soā€¦ Iā€™ll assume that everything in a tier is connected to everything in the tier below.

I would also ask whatā€™s the domain of the numbers in the nodes. In this ā€œtotal connection between two adjacent tiersā€ this question is kind of moot butā€¦ I only figured that there is the total connection at a second read of the input, so it initially mattered a lot! Additionally, I think itā€™s a good information to have around (especially if negative numbers would be allowed).

The solution

I initially totally misunderstood the task at hand and didnā€™t think that each tier was totally connected to its adjacent tiersā€¦ I only figured this after botching both examplesā€™ result.

So my initial take was to consider this a graph, add a goal node at the end (connected to all nodes in the bottom tier) and put my A* implementation to work the best path and its cost:

sub triangle-restricted-sum-path (@triangle) {
   class Astar { ... }
   my $max-last = @triangle[*-1].max;
   my $astar =
      distance => sub ($u, $v) {
         return $v<goal> ?? 0 !! @triangle[$v<tier>][$v<index>];
      successors => sub ($v) {
         my $tier = $v<tier> + 1;
         return hash(goal => 1) unless $tier <= @triangle.end;
         my @retval = gather {
            for 0 .. 1 -> $delta {
               my $index = $v<index> + $delta;
               take hash(tier => $tier, index => $index)
                  if $index <= @triangle[$tier].end;
         return @retval;
      heuristic => sub ($u, $v) {
         return $u<goal> ?? 0 !! $u<tier> < @triangle.end ?? $max-last !! 0;
      identifier => sub ($v) {
         return $v<goal> ?? 'goal' !! $v<tier index>.join(',');
   my $triangle-sum-path = $
      hash(tier => 0, index => 0),
      hash(goal => 1),
   my $sum = 0;
   for $triangle-sum-path.List -> $v {
      last if $v<goal>;
      $sum += @triangle[$v<tier>][$v<index>];
   return $sum;

Butā€¦ butā€¦ it turns out that life is extremely simpler in this challenge, and it seems that taking the minimum value out of every tier and summing them up does the trick, soā€¦

sub triangle-sum-path (@triangle) { @triangleĀ».min.sum }

I confess that this has been a bit of anti-climax, but the challenge is the challenge. Itā€™s also a nice place to show off a bit of hyperoperators!

When translating into Perl, though, I didnā€™t do the same error, so hereā€™s the full solution:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use List::Util qw< sum min >;

my @triangle = map { [split m{,}mxs] } @ARGV;
say triangle_sum_path(@triangle);

sub triangle_sum_path (@triangle) { sum map { min $_->@* } @triangle }

No hyperoperators here, but still Perl rocks a lot with all the needed batteries in CORE.

This, and a -r flag, are all I ask to be happy šŸ˜‰

Stay safe folks!

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