LDIF Tutorial (link & gist)


Some notes about LDIF.

That’s a very useful tutorial.

Some quick stuff in the following sections.


To manipulate attributes, the changetype is modify and then the operations can be add, delete, and replace.

dn: CN=Foo,OU=Here,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: galook
galook: some value

dn: CN=Bar,OU=There,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
delete: galook

dn: CN=Baz,OU=Whatever,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
replace: galook
galook: ahoy

The replace acts as a create if not exists.

It’s possible to merge operations over the same dn:

dn: CN=Foo,OU=Here,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: galook1
galook1: some value
delete: galook2
replace: galook3
galook3: ahoy

Most attribute can contain multiple values, becoming arrays. It’s possible to delete a specific value instead of all of them:

dn: CN=Bar,OU=There,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
delete: galook
galook: value to remove


Lifecycle management of group belonging is an operation over the member attribute of the group. Same rules as above apply:

dn: CN=FrotzGroup,OU=MyGroups,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: member
member: CN=Foo,OU=Here,DC=example,DC=com

To delete a single element make sure you specify the member value to remove:

dn: CN=FrotzGroup,OU=MyGroups,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modify
delete: member
member: CN=Bar,OU=There,DC=example,DC=com

Position in LDAP tree

Each item is put in the hierarchy and can be moved. Let’s move CN=Foo,OU=Here,DC=example,DC=com into CN=Foo,OU=Somewhere Else,DC=example,DC=com, using modrdn:

dn: CN=Foo,OU=Here,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: Foo
newsuperior: OU=Somewhere Else,DC=example,DC=com
deleteoldrdn: 1

The deleteoldrdn is suggested to be kept to 0 in the tutorial but I’ve seen errors so I usually stick to 1.

In this case we’re keeping the same CN, but that can change too via newrdn:

dn: CN=Foo,OU=Here,DC=example,DC=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: FooBarBaz
newsuperior: OU=Somewhere Else,DC=example,DC=com
deleteoldrdn: 1

So happy…

… LDAPing, and stay safe!

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