Caching with CHI


CHI is an interesting module.

It’s probably no wonder that I have a command-line tool that I sometimes use for running LDAP queries.

Many times I query the same record multiple times within a limited amount of time, so it makes sense to use some caching mechanism for keeping the latest data around for some time, like a few minutes, in order to retrieve them quickly locally and avoid generating unnecessary traffic and load.

The typical way of using a cache is to “wrap” the query function like this:

sub cacheable_query (@args) {
    my $key = compute_key_from(@args);
    if (my $cached_data = fetch_from_cache($key)) {
        return $cached_data;
    my $fresh_data = real_query(@args);
    save_into_cache($key, $fresh_data);
    return $fresh_data;

This is just scratching the surface, of course. One thing that should be taken into account is the validity of the cache, e.g. forcing the need to refresh data if it’s been cached more than a certain amount of time.

This too is debatable: should we set an expiration time upon saving the $fresh_data, much like food, or should we allow the call to fetch_from_cache() to state what is considered fresh and what not in a dynamic way?

The former approach (setting the expiration upon saving the data) is very common and widespread, e.g. this is basically how HTTP caching works (the server sets the expiration time).

This is also the approach taken by CHI, the go-to solution for getting a robust and flexible framework for caching, decoupling the usage of the cache (i.e. something along the line of the example API above) from its internals (there are a variety of drivers for saving cached data in different ways). This module is what I’m adopting at the moment.

use CHI;

my $cache = CHI->new(driver => 'File', root_dir => '/tmp/foo');
sub fetch_from_cache($key) { $cache->get($key) }
sub save_into_cache ($key, $data) {
    $cache->set($key, $data', '10 minutes');

In the example above, I’m implementing the API in terms of CHI, which is straightforward (to the point that I might just as well change the calling locations and get rid of the two proof-of-concept functions altogether).

Yet I’m not 100% convinced that this is the final decision. My tool is a command-line one and I might like the idea to give the caller (well… me of the future, right?) the ability to decide on the spot what to consider stale and what not, based on factors that might change from time to time.

This does not mean avoiding CHI, just adding a tiny layer on top to cope with this last-time expiration tactic which is useful in my case (or at least I think it is).

Stay safe!

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