PWC169 - Brilliant Numbers


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #169. Enjoy!

The challenge

Write a script to generate first 20 Brilliant Numbers.

Brilliant numbers are numbers with two prime factors of the same length.

The number should have exactly two prime factors, i.e. it’s the product of two primes of the same length.

For example,

24287 = 149 x 163
24289 = 107 x 227

Therefore 24287 and 24289 are 2-brilliant numbers.
These two brilliant numbers happen to be consecutive as there are no even brilliant numbers greater than 14.


4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 25, 35, 49, 121, 143, 169, 187, 209, 221, 247, 253, 289, 299

The questions

I was surprised to see squares in the example output, but I guess that nowhere it’s said that the two prime factors should be different and surely a prime has the same length as itself.

The solution

Super quick, I have a train to catch!

Very lazy approach, I compute every brilliant number in the 1/2/… tier and then only use the ones that I need. This has the potential to waste a lot of resources, but works quite fine for the 20 items limit set in the challenge.

Raku first, which gives us some meta excitement:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (Int:D $limit where * > 0 = 20) {
   my $length = 1;
   my @brilliants;
   while @brilliants < $limit {
      @brilliants.push: pairs-products(primes-of-length($length++)).Slip;
   put @brilliants[0 ..^ $limit].join(', ');

sub pairs-products (@ns) {
   (@ns X @ns).grep({[<=] $_}).map({[*] $_}).sort;

sub primes-of-length (Int:D $n where * > 0) {
   my $lo = [*] 10 xx ($n - 1);
   ($lo .. $lo * 10).grep({.is-prime}).Array;

Perl is the same algorithm, more or less, I just chose an iterator approach to take all primes of a specific tier:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

use ntheory qw< next_prime >;

my $limit = shift // 20;
my $it = primes_by_length_it();
my @brilliants;
while (@brilliants < $limit) {
   push @brilliants, pairs_products($it->());
say join ', ', @brilliants[0 .. ($limit - 1)];

sub pairs_products (@ns) {
   my @products;
   for my $i (0 .. $#ns) {
      for my $j ($i .. $#ns) {
         push @products, $ns[$i] * $ns[$j];
   return sort { $a <=> $b } @products;

sub primes_by_length_it {
   my $carry = 2;
   my $length = 1;
   return sub {
      my @retval;
      while (length($carry) == $length) {
         push @retval, $carry;
         $carry = next_prime($carry);
      return @retval;

That’s all folks!

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