PWC174 - Permutation Ranking (Raku)


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #174. Enjoy the Raku solution!

In previous post PWC174 - Permutation Ranking I had to go very fast to push the post in time - the Codeberg-backed alternative of the post went online just a few seconds before midnight, so I’ll call it a day.

We were left with the questions sections and the Raku solution though, so here we go!

The questions

My first question is about the ordering that’s been chosen. Lexicographic, really?!? I mean, we’re dealing with integers here, why not the plain old ordering for integers?

I wonder how many solutions provide the right rank for input [ 111, 22, 3 ]! (I say it’s 0).

Which brings us directly to the other question: integers, right? Not necessarily one-digit non-negative integers, but integers right?

This, in turn, begs the question about the ordering of single digits but most of all whether the negative sign should be considered to come before or after the digits. I’ll assume yes because both ASCII and EBCDIC have this, but I’m not entirely sure that collation and sorting for different languages around the world actually honor this.

The solution (in Raku)

So, Raku at last!

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN {
   say permutation2rank([< a b c d >]);
   say permutation2rank([< 111 22 3 >]);
   say rank2permutation([ 0, 1, 2 ], 1);

sub permutation2rank (@permutation) {
   my $n = @permutation;
   my @baseline = @permutation.sort({$^a.Str cmp $^b.Str});
   my $factor = [*] 1 .. $n;
   (0 .. $n - 2).map({
      my $target = @permutation[$_];
      my $index = 0;
      ++$index while @baseline[$index] ne $target;
      @baseline.splice($index, 1);
      ($factor /= $n - $_) * $index;

sub rank2permutation (@baseline is copy, $r is copy) {
   my $n = @baseline;
   my $factor = [*] 1 ..^ $n;
   return [
      (0 ..^ $n).map({
         my $index = $r div $factor;
         $r %= $factor;
         $factor div= ($n - 1 - $_) if $factor > 1;
         @baseline.splice($index, 1).Slip;

Nothing really fancy, just a translation from the Perl code.

Stay safe!

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