PWC178 - Quater-imaginary Base


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #178. Enjoy!

The challenge

Write a script to convert a given number (base 10) to quater-imaginary base number and vice-versa. For more informations, please checkout wiki page.

For example,

$number_base_10 = 4
$number_quater_imaginary_base = 10300

The questions

Wow, this can be very big. So, I’ll assume that we’re dealing with complex numbers where both the real and the imaginary parts are integers. There should be an extension for other inputs, but it’s too big to fit in the narrow spaces of this blog.

The solution

Let’s start with Raku. The heart of the transformation fis being able to turn an integer from base 10 into base −4 (code is an adaptation from one of the implementations in wikipedia page Negative base):

multi sub b10-to-bm (Int:D $x is copy, Int:D $m where * < 0 --> Str) {
   my @digits;
   while $x {
      my $rem = $x % $m;
      $x = (($x - $rem) / $m).Int;
      ($rem, $x) = $rem - $m, $x + 1 if $rem < 0;
      @digits.unshift: $rem;
   return @digits.join('');

With this in our hands, we can now transform the real and the imaginary parts separately. The latter is first multiplied by two, we will later shift it to the right later, corresponding to a division by 2 where one digit might possibly go after the dot. The two parts are then interleaved, which is the same as summing them after separating all digits with 0s.

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;

sub MAIN (Str:D() $x) { put to-m4i($x) }

sub to-m4i (Complex:D() $cx) {
   my $real = b10-to-bm($, -4).comb.join('0') || 0;
   my $img  = b10-to-bm(-2 * $, -4).comb.join('0');
   if $img.chars {
      my $after = $img.substr(*-1, 1);
      $img.substr-rw(*-1, 1) = '';
      $real += $img if $img.elems;
      $real ~= '.' ~ $after if $after > 0;
   return $real;

Perl now:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

say to_m4i(shift // 4);

sub to_m4i ($x) {
   my ($real, $img) = parse_complex($x);
   $real = join('0', split m{}mxs, b10_to_bm($real, -4)) || 0;
   if ($img) {
      $img  = join('0', split m{}mxs, b10_to_bm(-2 * $img, -4));
      my $after = substr $img, -1, 1, '';
      $real += $img if $img;
      $real .= '.' . $after if $after;
   return $real;

sub b10_to_bm ($x, $m) {
   my @digits;
   while ($x) {
      my $rem = $x % $m;
      $x = (($x - $rem) / $m);
      ($rem, $x) = ($rem - $m, $x + 1) if $rem < 0;
      unshift @digits, $rem;
   return join '', @digits;

I added a parsing function for complex numbers which accepts a wider range of inputs than the Raku counterpart:

sub parse_complex ($x) {
   $x =~ m{
            (?<real> 0 | -?[1-9]\d*)
         |  (?<real> 0 | -?[1-9]\d*) \s* (?<img> [-+]  (?:[1-9]\d*|))i
         |                               (?<img> [-+]? (?:[1-9]\d*|))i
   my $real = $+{real} // 0;
   my $img = $+{img} // 0;
   $img = 1 if $img eq '' || $img eq '+';
   $img = -1 if $img eq '-';
   return ($real, $img);

I hope it’s complete, it seemed to work with a few corner cases I tried.

OK, enough for today, stay safe everybody!

Comments? Octodon, , GitHub, Reddit, or drop me a line!