ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
PWC182 - Common Path
On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #182. Enjoy!
The challenge
Given a list of absolute Linux file paths, determine the deepest path to the directory that contains all of them.
Input: /a/b/c/1/ /a/b/c/d/e/2/ /a/b/c/d/3/ /a/b/c/4/ /a/b/c/d/5/ Ouput: /a/b/c
The questions
Can we assume that the paths have been put in a canonical form, i.e.
that we don’t have to figure out what to do with .
and ..
Are we positive we only get files as inputs?
Are we positive that every input file is absolute?
We will assume that paths can be viewed as sequences of down-pointing elements, separated by slashes. I hope this is a fair assumption!
The solution
Let’s start with Perl first:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
use List::Util 'reduce';
say common_path(
sub common_path (@paths) {
my $retval = reduce {{
my @common;
for my $i (0 .. $a->$#*) {
last if $i > $b->$#*;
last if $a->[$i] ne $b->[$i];
push @common, $a->[$i];
}} map { my @parts = split m{/}mxs; pop @parts; \@parts } @paths;
return join '/', $retval->@*;
Going “backwards” in reading the implementation inside common_path
- each path is split into sections, i.e. directory names and the last
part that is a file name and is always removed (via
pop @parts
) - then we use reduce to compare one item with the next incoming path, keeping the shortest common path;
- at the end of each
iteration, we return this common part. Eventually, we will trim down to the part to common to all input paths.
It’s interesting that we have double open/close braces for the reduce
block. This is apparently needed to cope with the fact that variable
my @common
, despite being a lexical one, does not behave like this and
needs some extra “scope kick* to fully work as expected.
The Raku counterpart is more or less a translation, with due care for handling sub-arrays and sub-sequences in the proper way:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN {
put common-path(<
sub common-path (@paths) {
my @common;
for @$^a Z @$^b -> ($a, $b) {
last if $a ne $b;
@common.push: $a;
The Z
ip operator helps us going through two (split) paths at the same
time, so why not? At this point we just have to move on one character at
a time, bailing out as soon as we discovered a mismatch.
Stay safe and secure!!!