PWC190 - Decoded List


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #190. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an encoded string consisting of a sequence of numeric characters: 0..9, $s.

Write a script to find the all valid different decodings in sorted order.

Encoding is simply done by mapping A,B,C,D,… to 1,2,3,4,… etc.

Example 1

Input: $s = 11
Ouput: AA, K

11 can be decoded as (1 1) or (11) i.e. AA or K

Example 2

Input: $s = 1115

Possible decoded data are:
(1 1 1 5) => (AAAE)
(1 1 15)  => (AAO)
(1 11 5)  => (AKE)
(11 1 5)  => (KAE)
(11 15)   => (KO)

Example 3

Input: $s = 127
Output: ABG, LG

Possible decoded data are:
(1 2 7) => (ABG)
(12 7)  => (LG)

The questions

I appreciate that we challenged people are considered capable of quickly grasping the gist of a challenge from a few examples, but sometimes they might be lacking some detail.

In this case, for example:

  • what to do of sub-sequences that start with 0? I’m personally going to ignore them.
  • is it correct to assume that we’re considering only English uppercase letters here?

The solution

There are a few moving parts in my overcomplicated reasoning:

  • to make candidate groups from the input strings, we can insert a virtual slot between any two consecutive characters and then assign values to these slots, namely a separator (like a space character) or a merger (like the empty string). This, in turn, can be mapped onto counting up to $2^s$, where $s$ is the number of these virtual slots, then considering the binary representation and say that 0 means merging and 1 means separating.
  • Then, of course, we have to consider that not all groupings are correct, and some lead to invalid mappings. So we have to filter them out and transform the other ones.

My Perl solution considers each part within an iterator; the iterators are composed, where outer ones feed from the inner ones.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';

# finds all ways of getting items close or separated. Each run of the
# iterator provides an array reference with a grouping.
my $groups_it = all_consecutive_groupings_iterator(shift // '1115');

# filters and transforms groupings into a target string. Each run of the
# iterator provides back a valid target decoded string.
my $dl_it = decoded_list_iterator($groups_it);

# expands an iterator in an array reference with all items
my $decoded_list = iterator_to_arrayref($dl_it);

# print it out
say join ', ', $decoded_list->@*;

sub iterator_to_arrayref ($it) {
   my @retval;
   while (my @stuff = $it->()) { push @retval, @stuff }
   return \@retval;

sub decoded_list_iterator ($groups_it) {
   state $letter_at = [undef, 'A' .. 'Z']; # starting at 1
   return sub {
      while (my $arrangement = $groups_it->()) {
         my @candidate = map {
            next ARRANGEMENT if m{\A 0 }mxs; # nothing starting with 0
            next ARRANGEMENT if $_ > $letter_at->$#*;
         } $arrangement->@*;
         return join '', @candidate;

sub all_consecutive_groupings_iterator ($string) {
   my @items = split m{}mxs, $string;
   my $n = 2 ** $#items;
   return sub {
      return if --$n < 0;
      my $code = sprintf '%b', $n; # decide which gets tied and which not

      # turn into spaces or empty strings (ties)
      my @code = map { $_ ? ' ' : '' } split m{}mxs, $code;
      unshift @code, '' while @code < $#items;

      # well... this can be enhanced a bit!!!
      return [ split m{\s+}mxs, join '', zip_loose(\@items, \@code)->@* ];

# merge two lists together, until *both* have been used completely
sub zip_loose ($As, $Bs) {
   my ($Ai, $Bi) = (0, 0);
   my @retval;
   while ('necessary') {
      my $Aok = ($Ai <= $As->$#*) ? 1 : 0;
      my $Bok = ($Bi <= $Bs->$#*) ? 1 : 0;
      last unless $Aok || $Bok;
      my @chunk = (
         ($Aok ? $As->[$Ai++] : ()),
         ($Bok ? $Bs->[$Bi++] : ()),
      push @retval, @chunk;
   return \@retval;

Function zip_loose allows us to intersperse two array, potentially with different sizes. There’s a bit of back and forth with arrays and strings because… reasons 🙄

The Raku alternative is less overengCOUGHsophisticated and addresses the problems directly in a single monolith, leveraging my beloved gather/take construct.

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN ($input = '1115') { decoded-list($input).join(', ').put }

sub decoded-list ($encoded) {
   my @atoms = $encoded.comb;
   my $first = @atoms.shift;
   my $n = 2 ** @atoms;
   return gather while --$n >= 0 {
      my @code = '%b'.sprintf($n).comb;
      @code.unshift(0) while @code < @atoms;
      @code.push(1); # final separator to close stuff
      my @sequence;
      my $current = $first;
      for ^@code -> $i {
         if @code[$i].Int > 0 { # separate, close and reopen if applicable
            my $decoded = decode-item($current) or last;
            @sequence.push: $decoded;
            if $i <= @atoms.end {
               $current = @atoms[$i];
            else {
               take @sequence.join('');
         else { # merge with previous
            $current ~= @atoms[$i];

sub decode-item ($item) {
   state @letter-at = (Nil, 'A' .. 'Z').flat;
   return if $item ~~ /^ 0/; # we consider this invalid
   return if $item.Int > @letter-at.end;
   return @letter-at[$item.Int];

As a trick, I’m always adding a fake separator at the end, so that I can trigger the decoding of the last element. This is a trick, but a handy one because it allows me to put the call to decode-item() in one single place instead of two.

There were a few pitfalls like forgetting to add .flat and assuming that string 0 is false like in Perl, which it isn’t. Nothing too complicated to address, anyway.

Stay safe!

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