ETOOBUSY 🚀 minimal blogging for the impatient
Turn this in that
A few Perl helpers.
I’m working on a little project to turn pdfunnel into a module, and for reasons I might have data in a “format” (e.g. loaded as a scalar in memory) and need it in another format (e.g. a file or a filehandle).
Hence I decided to code a few functions to tranform into these three formats:
in memory;path
to a file;fh
, i.e. a filehandle.
The following function are, as of now… totally untested:
sub data_to_fh ($data) { path_to_fh(ref($data) ? $data : \$data) }
sub data_to_path ($data) {
require File::Temp;
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 0);
binmode $fh, ':raw';
print {$fh} ref($data) ? $data : $$data;
return $filename;
} ## end sub data_to_path
sub fh_to_data ($fh) { local $/; readline($fh) }
sub fh_to_path ($fh) { data_to_path(fh_to_data($fh)) }
sub path_to_data ($input) { fh_to_data(path_to_fh($input)) }
sub path_to_fh ($input) {
open my $fh, '<:raw', $input or croak "open('$input'): $OS_ERROR";
return $fh;
So well, yeah… this is as much of an incomplete post as it can be, but I set a goal to write/publish something every day, not to always write self-contained meaningful stuff!