Reflections after a couple of weeks of Data::Resolver


Some reflections on the evolution of Data::Resolver.

I used Data::Resolver for a couple of weeks now, so I’m here to provide feedback on it.

Yep… this has a definite scent of Cast Away.

For starters, it would be good to have a Do What I Mean factory that just gets something and gives out the right thing. I mean, at the basic level I’m providing support for directories and TAR archives, shouldn’t we be able to provide a path and let the code figure it out automatically? It might be either a new function dwim or an extension to the current generate, accepting a plain string for a path.

Another thing I didn’t see coming is that support for sub-resolvers would be good. In a directory, they would be like sub-directories.

This might already be solved directly by wrapping a resolver with a function that performs automatic insertion of a prefix in the keys. It would still require some out-of-band mechanism to figure out what prefixes would be supported, though, so it’s either a full analysis of the list of keys (which would be sub-optimal with lots of them), or requires an extension to the resolver specification to gather a list of sub-resolvers in addition to a list of all supported keys.

While at it, I’m also playing with the idea of having small objects that encapsulate some content, and have methods to get the right representation out of them. This would be used like this:

my $obj = $resolver->get($key);
say $obj->as_scalar;
say ${$obj->as_scalar_ref};
say 'your data is at ', $obj->as_file;
my $fh = $obj->as_fh; # get a filehandle...

The similarity to the directory/file case is clear, so I’m tempted by the Path::Tiny approach to have a single object to manage them both; I’m probably going for two different classes though, as Data::Resolver aims at solving a specific problem which does not include much common stuff like fiddling with permissions and altering the sources.

Stay tuned and stay safe!

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