PWC206 - Shortest Time


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #206. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a list of time points, at least 2, in the 24-hour clock format HH:MM.

Write a script to find out the shortest time in minutes between any two time points.

Example 1

Input: @time = ("00:00", "23:55", "20:00")
Output: 5

Since the difference between "00:00" and "23:55" is the shortest (5 minutes).

Example 2

Input: @array = ("01:01", "00:50", "00:57")
Output: 4

Example 3

Input: @array = ("10:10", "09:30", "09:00", "09:55")
Output: 15

The questions

I hope that 00:00 is considered the first minute in the period and that 23:59 the last one. In this case, then, I’m assuming that:

  • the minimum interval between any two minutes is always taken;
  • the interval can span across a day boundary.

The solution

Well folks, put your dear ones into a shelter because Raku is on its way:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (*@args) { put shortest-time(@args) }

sub shortest-time (@times) {
   my \period = 24*60;
      .map({(.comb(/\d+/)».Int «*» (60, 1)).sum})  # turn everything into minutes
      .combinations(2)                             # create all possible pairs
      .map(->($x, $y) { ($x - $y) % period })      # calculate difference, modulo "period"
      .map({min($^x, period - $^x)})               # consider that and its reciprocal
      .min                                         # take the minimum, as requested

The comments say pretty everything. I had to decide between using two maps (like I eventually did above) or coalescing them into one, but I didn’t like the end result too much and it was less clear in my opinion. So there we go.

Perl follows the same ideal approach, but moving at a lower level because there are less batteries included (no hyperstuff and no combinations). Taking pairs is just a couple of nested loops, so no big deal; I’d also argue that it should be a little easier on memory because we’re not keeping all deltas as we go, but I’ll stop it here.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;

say shortest_time(@ARGV);

sub shortest_time {
   my @times = map { my ($h, $m) = split m{:}mxs; $h * 60 + $m } @_
      or return;
   my $period = 24 * 60;
   my $min = $period;
   for my $i (0 .. $#times - 1) {
      for my $j ($i + 1 .. $#times) {
         my $delta = ($times[$i] - $times[$j]) % $period;
         $min = ($_ < $min ? $_ : $min) for ($delta, $period - $delta);
   return $min;

I guess it’s everything for this challenge… stay safe!!!

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