PWC220 - Common Characters


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #220. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a list of words.

Write a script to return the list of common characters (sorted alphabeticall) found in every word of the given list.

Example 1

Input: @words = ("Perl", "Rust", "Raku")
Output: ("r")

Example 2

Input: @words = ("love", "live", "leave")
Output: ("e", "l", "v")

The questions

Should we consider uppercase and lowercase equivalent to lowercases? The first example seems to hint in this direction.

The list is supposed to be composed of words formed by characters. Is this from a specific alphabet? Does it guarantee that a lowercase form always exist?

The solution

We’all assume that whatever we get as input is a word composed of characters, but we’ll stick to ASCII for simplicity.

Each word can be split into component characters, then the checks can begin. There can be no different letters than what are contained in the first word, so we can start from there. We can imagine that the group of letters is then checked against the next word, where only the matching ones remain and other ones are removed, just to move on to the next word and so on. What we’re left with after the last word are the letters we are looking for.

OK, enough talking, let’s go to Raku:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN (*@words) { say common-characters(@words) }

sub common-characters (@words) {
   return [] unless @words;
      .map({ .lc.comb })
      .reduce(-> $a, $b { my $s = $b.Set; $a.grep({ $_ ∈ $s }) })

We are getting our initial group of letters, and traversing it through a comparison with all remaining groups, which seems where reduce is really at ease. The “second” group of letter (at each iteration) is turned into a set, so that we can use grep to keep the matching ones easily.

reduce leaves us with a single output sequence, which is sorted and returned. Easy-peasy.

Moving to Perl, there’s a bit more of fiddling that we have to do, but we can basically adopt the same approach. In lack of sets, we resort to the super-flexible hashes, which work pretty well for these filtering activities:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
use JSON::PP;
use List::Util 'reduce';

say encode_json(common_characters(@ARGV)) =~ tr{[]}{()}r;

sub common_characters (@words) {
   return [] unless @words;
   my $aref = reduce {
         my %s = map { $_ => 1 } $b->@*;
         [ grep { $s{$_} } $a->@* ];
      map { [ split m{}mxs ] }
   return [ sort { $a cmp $b } $aref->@* ];

I opted for splitting the whole thing into two parts, separating the sorting at the end to reduce confusion (we end up with an array reference, so we have to dereference it in order to get a sorted output to embed in yet another array reference).

Stay safe!

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