PWC224 - Additive Number


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #224. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given a string containing digits 0-9 only.

Write a script to find out if the given string is additive number. An additive number is a string whose digits can form an additive sequence.

A valid additive sequence should contain at least 3 numbers. Except
the first 2 numbers, each subsequent number in the sequence must be
the sum of the preceding two.

Example 1:

Input: $string = "112358"
Output: true

The additive sequence can be created using the given string digits: 1,1,2,3,5,8
1 + 1 => 2
1 + 2 => 3
2 + 3 => 5
3 + 5 => 8

Example 2:

Input: $string = "12345"
Output: false

No additive sequence can be created using the given string digits.

Example 3:

Input: $string = "199100199"
Output: true

The additive sequence can be created using the given string digits: 1,99,100,199
 1 +  99 => 100
99 + 100 => 199

The questions

What’s a number exactly? I mean, ‘000` is a perfectly valid string of allowed digits, but can it be considered a number? I’ll assume that the behaviour of the solution is undefined when leading zeros are involved.

Anyway, I’d lean to say that 000 should not fit.

The solution

In lack of any clever idea, we’ll just go brute force. There are actually only two parameters that we can play with, namely the widths of the two starting numbers; everything goes from there afterwards.

So here we go with Perl:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';

say is_additive_number(shift) ? 'true' : 'false';

sub is_additive_number ($string) {
   my $len = length($string);
   return unless $len > 2;
   for my $l1 (1 .. ($len - 2)) {
      for my $l2 (1 .. ($len - $l1 - 1)) {
         return 1 if is_additive_number_arrangement($string, $l1, $l2);

sub is_additive_number_arrangement ($string, $l1, $l2) {
   my $ls = length($string);
   my @v = (substr($string, 0, $l1), substr($string, $l1, $l2));
   my $i = $l1 + $l2;
   while ($i < $ls) {
      my $v = shift @v;
      $v += $v[0];
      my $lv = length($v);
      return if $lv > $ls - $i;
      return if substr($string, $i, $lv) ne $v;
      push @v, $v;
      $i += $lv;
   return 1;

The is_additive_number() function contains the search algorithm, iterating through all possible arrangements of the two initial numbers lengths, until one is good for our purposes or no more are available.

The actual check is encapsulated into is_additive_number_arrangement(), which just does the check for a fixed size of the first two numbers. The implementation is not particularly exciting.

The Raku alternative is as lazy as it can be a straight translation from the Perl original:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub MAIN ($string) { put is-additive-number($string) }

multi sub is-additive-number ($string --> Bool) {
   my $len = $string.chars;
   return False unless $len > 2;
   for 1 .. ($len - 2) -> $l1 {
      for 1 .. ($len - $l1 - 1) -> $l2 {
         return True if is-additive-number($string, $l1, $l2);
   return False;

multi sub is-additive-number ($string, $l1, $l2 --> Bool) {
   my $ls = $string.chars;
   my @v = $string.substr(0, $l1), $string.substr($l1, $l2);
   my $i = $l1 + $l2;
   while $i < $ls {
      my $v = @v.shift.Int;
      $v += @v[0].Int;
      $v = $v.Str;
      my $lv = $v.chars;
      return False if $lv > $ls - $i;
      return False if $string.substr($i, $lv) ne $v;
      @v.push: $v;
      $i += $lv;
   return True;

I know that I’m supposed to print out lowercase true or false, but I admit that I don’t care too much!

Stay safe folks!

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