Aquarium - cooperating constraint


Just like in real life, it’s better for constraints to help out instead of just being picky.

In the last post Aquarium - search the solution space we left with a big issue: a correct solution, but hardly useful because too bad at scaling. To address this, we put our constraints at work, pushing them to be less picky and more immediately useful - see something, say something!

The code for this post is found in stage 5.

Water level constraint, revisited

Let’s take a look at our constraint about the water level:

sub assert_water_level ($puzzle) {
   my ($n, $field, $status) = $puzzle->@{qw< n field status >};
   for my $i (0 .. $n - 1) {    # iterate rows from top to bottom
      my %expected;
      for my $j (0 .. $n - 1) {
         my $id = $field->[$i][$j];
         my $st = $status->[$i][$j];

         die "wrong vertical leveling for aquarium $id\n"
           if ($i > 0)
           && ($id == $field->[$i - 1][$j])
           && ($st < $status->[$i - 1][$j]);

         $expected{$id} //= $st;
         die "wrong horizontal leveling for aquarium $id\n"
           if $expected{$id} != $st;

      } ## end for my $j (0 .. $n - 1)
   } ## end for my $i (0 .. $n - 1)
   return $puzzle;
} ## end sub assert_water_level ($puzzle)

As it is, it’s just complaining about neighbors not being exactly equal to what is expected, although in some conditions it might give some help. For example, let’s consider the following situation:

            2       1   

        |~~~~~~~|       |
     1  |~~~~~~~|   X   |
        |~~~~~~~|       |
        |               |
     2  |               |
        |               |

Our constraint would complain in this situation, although a normal player would just take advantage of the situation and flood the second row based on the fact that there is water in the upper left corner. In other terms, we have to take into consideration that unknown cells might be either water-filled or empty, and act accordingly.

Let’s turn the function to adjust_water_level then:

 1 sub adjust_water_level ($puzzle) {
 2    my ($n, $field, $status) = $puzzle->@{qw< n field status >};
 3    my $n_changes = 0;
 4    for my $i (0 .. $n - 1) {    # iterate rows from top to bottom
 5       my %expected;
 7       # first sweep: adjust vertical flooding, set expectations
 8       for my $j (0 .. $n - 1) {
 9          my $id = $field->[$i][$j];
10          my $st = $status->[$i][$j];
12          # vertical condition from second row on...
13          if (($i > 0) && ($id == $field->[$i - 1][$j])) {
14             if ($st < $status->[$i - 1][$j]) { # possible mismatch?
15                if ($st == 0) { # current cell is *unknown*, relax!
16                   $st = $status->[$i][$j] = 1;  # fill with water
17                   $n_changes++;
18                }
19                elsif ($status->[$i - 1][$j] == 0) { # previous is unknown
20                   # let's just ignore this for the moment...
21                }
22                else {
23                   die "wrong vertical leveling for aquarium $id\n";
24                }
25             }
26          }
28          $expected{$id} ||= $st; # change only if unknown
29       }
31       # second sweep: adjust horizontal flooding based on expectations
32       for my $j (0 .. $n - 1) {
33          my $id = $field->[$i][$j];
34          my $st = $status->[$i][$j];
36          if ($st == 0) {
37             if ($expected{$id}) {
38                $st = $status->[$i][$j] = $expected{$id};
39                $n_changes++;
40             }
41          }
42          elsif ($st != $expected{$id}) {
43             die "wrong horizontal leveling for aquarium $id\n"
44          }
45       } ## end for my $j (0 .. $n - 1)
46    } ## end for my $i (0 .. $n - 1)
47    return $n_changes;
48 } ## end sub assert_water_level ($puzzle)

Admittedly, it’s a bit more complicated. The inner loop is repeated two times: the first one takes care of propagating water vertically (from top to bottom), the second one propagates water horizontally. Hence, no more complaining when there is a mismatch involving water tiles and unknown, but flooding!

One thing that we just observe right now: the test in line 19 is there to exclude a complaint where an unknown line is over an empty line. This is not actually a problem at this stage… but it might be in a later one.

Going on with constraints

The return value in assert_water_level has been set to report the number of cells that were filled with water in the process. This will come handy when checking the constraints:

sub apply_constraints ($puzzle) {
   my $changes = -1;
   while ($changes != 0) {
      $changes = 0;
      $changes += adjust_water_level($puzzle);

Having constraints also do some state-changing actions requires us to evaluate them over and over until none of them makes any change, which is why we put constraints-checking inside a while loop.

This is not really useful… yet. It will become better soon, though, when also the other constraints will be… evolved 🤓


Not really - well, not yet! Yeah, well, history is gonna change.

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