xmpl - on-file key/value store


We will take a closer look at the implementation for the on-file key/value store in xmpl. This post is part of a series.

In previous post xmpl - in-memory key/value store we started looking at the implementation for the key/value store classes, in particular the in-memory one.

Today we’re looking at the file-backed alternative, which will benefit from the facilities provided by Mojolicious, namely Mojo::File to ease handling of files in the local filesystem, and [Mojo::JSON][] to deal with the encoding:

use Mojo::File;
use Mojo::JSON qw< decode_json encode_json >;

This implementation is done as a wrapper around the class we describe in the other post. In short, this object will keep a reference to an instance of the in-memory data store, as well as a reference to a Mojo::File object that points to the target file for persistence.

sub file ($s) { return $s->{file} }
sub instance ($s) { return $s->{instance} }
sub new ($package, %args) {
   my $file = Mojo::File->new($args{filepath});

   # ensure file exists

   # load file data
   my $json_text = $file->slurp =~ s{\A\s+|\s+\z}{}grmxs;
   my $kvpairs = decode_json($json_text || '{}');

   my $instance = KVStore::InMemory->new($kvpairs);
   my $self = bless {instance => $instance, file => $file}, $package;
   eval { $self->save };
   return $self;

The constructor is a bit complicated because it takes care to ensure that the target file exists, as well as loading it to guarantee the persistence across separate runs of the software.

Read-only methods are simply delegated down to the in-memory instance:

sub as_hash ($self) { return $self->instance->as_hash }
sub get ($self, $key) { return $self->instance->get($key) }
sub has ($self, $key) { return $self->instance->has($key) }

State-changing methods, on the other hand, also imply saving the changes down to the file, by means of the save method:

sub remove ($s, $k) { $s->instance->remove($k); return $s->save }
sub save ($s) { $s->file->spurt(encode_json($s->as_hash)); return $s }
sub set ($s, $k, $v) { $s->instance->set($k, $v); return $s->save }

Again, this implementation is not bulletproof and surely nothing you should rely upon for your important transactions. And again I think this is perfectly acceptable for this kind of application.

The is_healthy method is actually implemented as a test on the underlying filesystem/storage. As long as we can save without errors, we consider ourselves fine; otherwise… it’s time to flag that things are not that healthy:

sub is_healthy ($s) { eval {$s->save; 1} }

If you want to look at the complete code for the class… head to it! Otherwise… stay safe!

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