Nuovo vocabolario di base della lingua italiana


A list of Italian words: Nuovo vocabolario di base della lingua italiana.

It’s clear at this point that I’m intrigued by passphrases that can be easily generated and remembered. For Italians. Hence, we need a list of words to start with.

I’m not new to looking for lists of words (e.g. here and here): they’re fascinating and can be a lot helpful.

So I thought of finding out a source of words that would be as widely accepted as possible, to ease the adoption. I mean, it would be correct to include words like alacre or latore, but would that be acceptable for a wide audience?

It turns out that Prof. Tullio De Mauro did indeed collect the most widely used words and that the list is available online as Nuovo vocabolario di base della lingua italiana. Isn’t this amazing?

This is, of course, just a starting point. Cheers!

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